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  • 位置: php 中文手册 -> php 外部扩展库


    ODBC是“开放数据库互联的简称”(Open Database Connectivity)的简称。ODBC是MicroSoft公司提出的应用程序通用编程接口标准,用于对数据库的访问。




    Include Adabas D support. DIR is the Adabas base install directory, defaults to/usr/local.


    Include SAP DB support. DIR is SAP DB base install directory, defaults to/usr/local.


    Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base install directory, defaults to/usr/local/solid.


    Include IBM DB2 support. DIR is the DB2 base install directory, defaults to/home/db2inst1/sqllib.


    Include Empress support. DIR is the Empress base install directory, defaults to$EMPRESSPATH. This option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.


    Include"Empress Local Access"support. DIR is the Empress base install directory, defaults to$EMPRESSPATH. This option only supports Empress Version 8.60 and above.


    Include Birdstep support. DIR is the Birdstep base install directory, defaults to/usr/local/birdstep.


    Include a user defined ODBC support. The DIR is ODBC install base directory, which defaults to/usr/local. Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and have someodbc.hin your include dirs. E.g., you should define following for Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to run configure script:

       CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc".


    Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base install directory, defaults to/usr/local.


    Include Easysoft OOB support. DIR is the OOB base install directory, defaults to/usr/local/easysoft/oob/client.


    Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base install directory, defaults to/usr/local.


    Include OpenLink ODBC support. DIR is the OpenLink base install directory, defaults to/usr/local. This is the same as iODBC.


    Include DBMaker support. DIR is the DBMaker base install directory, defaults to where the latest version of DBMaker is installed (such as/home/dbmaker/3.6).

    PHP的 Windows 版本已内建对此扩展的支持。不需要载入额外的扩展来使用这些函数。

    As of PHP 7.0.0, however, Windows users must enablephp_odbc.dllin order to use this extension.



    Unified ODBC Configuration Options
    odbc.default_db *NULLPHP_INI_ALL
    odbc.default_user *NULLPHP_INI_ALL
    odbc.default_pw *NULLPHP_INI_ALL
    odbc.default_cursortype"3"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable as of PHP 5.3.0