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  • Informix(PDO)




    要构建PDO_INFORMIX扩展,必须将Informix Client SDK 2.81 UC1或更高版本与PHP安装在同一系统上。可从»IBM Informix支持站点获得Informix Client SDK。

    PDO_INFORMIX是»PECL扩展,因此请按照PECL扩展库安装中的说明安装PDO_INFORMIX扩展。发出configure命令以指向您的Informix Client SDK头文件和库的位置,如下所示:

       bash$ ./configure --with-pdo-informix=/path/to/SDK[,shared]
    The configure command defaults to the value of theINFORMIXDIRenvironment variable.

    Scrollable cursors


    Table of Contents

    • PDO_INFORMIX DSN—连接到Informix数据库
    I noticed that SQLite is installed by php by default...oh and it happens to use PDO. So dont forget to use --without-sqlite.
    My successful config looks like this:
    ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-curl --with-xsl --disable-pdo --without-sqlite
    Take care, with php-5.2.4 --with-pdo-informix=shared,/home/informix
     doesn't work, just says: 
    Notice: Following unknown configure options were used:
    Solved the issue with PHP 5.2.4 and others.
    The embedded PDO in php since 5.1+ is INCOMPATIBLE with the latest PDO_MYSQL and PDO_INFORMIX, etc. I just spent 2 days working on this. This solution works on numerous versions of Linux I've tried as well as SunOS and HPUX.
    The basic issue, getting this message when running PHP with PDO and trying
    to get PDO_INFORMIX working, but having a version conflict:
    "PHP Fatal error: PDO: driver informix requires PDO API version 20060409;
    this is PDO version 20060511 in Unknown on line 0"
    The "embedded" PDO that is within PHP since version 5.1 CONFLICTS with the
    PDO the PEAR/PECL modules are expecting.
    1) Rebuild PHP with no pdo (--disable-pdo) (and you can't have
     any stuff like --with-mysql-pdo, either)
    2) Then use PEAR/PECL to install PDO: pear install pdo
    3) then use PEAR/PECL to install PDO_INFORMIX:
           pear install --alldeps pdo_informix
    4) make sure your php.ini extensions_dir points to the directory
      where these are placed
    5) then add these references to php.ini:
      extensions=pdo_mysql.so (etc.)
    6) run php -v now and you should not see any errors.
    7) run "pear list" and "pecl list" to see the installed modules
    8) run php -i |egrep "pdo|PDO" to see:
    php -i |egrep "pdo|PDO"
    Configure Command => './configure' '--disable-pdo'
    '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-openssl=/usr'
    '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib'
    '--with-zlib' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-mbstring=all' '--with-curl'
    PDO support => enabled
    PDO drivers => mysql, informix
    pdo_informix support => enabled
    PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version => 5.0.51a
    I would have tried the embedded PDO and then also --with-informix-pdo=shared but as an earlier post here showed, the --with-informix... is unknown. Please correct my mistake if I am mistyping it.
    In case that you loaded the extension, in solaris systems, and you are getting something similar to this:
    PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php547/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/pdo_informix.so' - ld.so.1: php: fatal: libifgls.so: DF_1_NOOPEN tagged object may not be dlopen()'ed in Unknown on line 0
    In this case set the following Environment variables:
    export INFORMIXDIR=/path/to/Informix/CSDK/
    Anyone gets working pdo informix with php 7 ?
    tip: in fedora 16 you must set INFORMIXDIR in /etc/sysconfig/httpd
    export INFORMIXDIR
    I've just built PHP 5.2.11 with pdo_informix support on Slackware 13.0. I had to use the following options in order to disable pdo from being compiled in (notice the difference in the --without-pdo-sqlite option from previous post):
    --disable-pdo option --without-pdo-sqlite option
    I also could not use the --with-sigchild option which caused problems with phpize.
    This fixed the informix -11001 error that I was getting. I was also getting an informix -23101 error (something about locale mismatches), but it was because I was not completely removing the compiled in pdo support.
    I then had to;
    rm -rf /usr/lib/php/.channels
    pear update-channels
    pecl install --alldeps pdo_informix pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite.
    There were other, smaller issues, but that is the lion's share.

