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  • DOMProcessingInstruction::__construct()

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object


    publicDOMProcessingInstruction::__construct(string $name[,string $value])

    Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object. This object is read only. It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until the node is associated with a document. To create a writeable node, use DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction.



    The tag name of the processing instruction.


    The value of the processing instruction.


    Example #1 Creating a new DOMProcessingInstruction object

    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $html = $dom->appendChild(new DOMElement('html'));
    $body = $html->appendChild(new DOMElement('body'));
    $pinode = new DOMProcessingInstruction('php', 'echo "Hello World"; ');
    echo $dom->saveXML(); 


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <html><body><?php echo "Hello World"; ?></body></html>


    • DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction() Creates new PI node