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  • chunk_split()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



    chunk_split(string $body[,int $chunklen= 76[,string $end= "rn"]]) : string

    使用此函数将字符串分割成小块非常有用。例如将base64_encode()的输出转换成符合 RFC 2045 语义的字符串。它会在每$chunklen个字符后边插入$end。











    Example #1chunk_split()例子

    // 使用 RFC 2045 语义格式化 $data
    $new_string = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));


    • str_split()将字符串转换为数组
    • explode()使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串
    • split() 用正则表达式将字符串分割到数组中
    • wordwrap()打断字符串为指定数量的字串
    • » RFC 2045
    An alternative for unicode strings;
    function chunk_split_unicode($str, $l = 76, $e = "\r\n") {
      $tmp = array_chunk(
        preg_split("//u", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY), $l);
      $str = "";
      foreach ($tmp as $t) {
        $str .= join("", $t) . $e;
      return $str;
    $str = "Yarım kilo çay, yarım kilo şeker";
    echo chunk_split($str, 4) ."\n";
    echo chunk_split_unicode($str, 4);
    �m k
    , ya
    o ş
    m ki
    lo ç
    m ki
    lo ş
    As an alternative for qeremy [atta] gmail [dotta] com
    There is much shorter way for binarysafe chunking of multibyte string:
    function word_chunk($str, $len = 76, $end = "\n") {
      $pattern = '~.{1,' . $len . '}~u'; // like "~.{1,76}~u"
      $str = preg_replace($pattern, '$0' . $end, $str);
      return rtrim($str, $end);
    $str = 'русский';
    echo chunk_split($str, 3) ."\n";
    echo word_chunk($str, 3) . "\n";
    I'm not sure what versions this also occurs in but the output of chunk_split() in PHP 5.0.4 does not match the output in other versions of PHP.
    In all versions of PHP I have used, apart from 5.0.4 chunk_split() adds the separator (\r\n) to the end of the string. But in PHP 5.0.4 this does not happen. This had a fairly serious impact on a library I maintain so it may also affect others who are not aware of this.
    The description of the function is slightly inaccurate. A trailing $end is also added.
    the best way to solve the problem with the last string added by chunk_split() is:
    $string = '1234';
    substr(chunk_split($string, 2, ':'), 0, -1);
    // will return 12:34
    If you are using UTF-8 charset you will face a problem with Arabic language
    to solve this problem i used this function
    function chunk_split_($text,$length,$string_end)
      $text = iconv("UTF-8","windows-1256",$text);
      $text = str_split($text);
      foreach($text as $val)
        if($a !== $val)
          $a = $val;
          $x = 0;
          $a = $val;
        if($x > $length)
          $new_text .= $val.$string_end;
          $x = 0;
           $new_text .= $val;
      $new_text = iconv("windows-1256","UTF-8",$new_text);
      return $new_text;
    Not quite completely obvious, but... 
    you can un_chunk_split() by:
    $long_str = str_replace( "\r\n", "", $chunked_str );
    "version" of chunk_split for cyrillic characters in UTF-8
    public function UTFChunk($Text,$Len = 10,$End = "\r\n")
      if(mb_detect_encoding($Text) == "UTF-8")
        return mb_convert_encoding(
              mb_convert_encoding($Text, "KOI8-R","UTF-8"), $Len,$End
            "UTF-8", "KOI8-R"
      } else
        return chunk_split($Text,$Len,$End);
    this is example for russian language
    another way to group thousands in a number, which is much simpler, is built into PHP :)
    Important note is the maximum line length and the recommended one. The standard says:
    "Lines in a message MUST be a maximum of 998 characters excluding the CRLF, but it is RECOMMENDED that lines be limited to 78 characters excluding the CRLF. "
    See PHP manual for chunk_split() Which is set to 76 characters long chunk and "\r\n" at the end of line by default.
    Here's a version of Chunk Split I wrote that will not split html entities. Useful if you need to inject something in html (in my case, <wbr/> tags to allow for long text wrapping).
    function HtmlEntitySafeSplit($html,$size,$delim)
      if($pos >= $size && !$unsafe)
      if($c == "&")
      elseif($c == ";")
     return $out;
    >> chunk_split will also add the break _after_ the last occurence.
    this should be not the problem 
    substr(chunk_split('FF99FF', 2, ':'),0,8);
    will return FF:99:FF
    I've found this quite useful for simulating various kinds of shuffles with cards. It is humorous but can imitate multiple deck cuts and other (imperfectly) random events.
    function truffle_shuffle($body, $chunklen = 76, $end = "\r\n")
       $chunk = chunk_split($body, $chunklen, "-=blender=-");
       $truffle = explode("-=blender=-",$chunk);
       $shuffle = shuffle($truffle);
       $huknc = implode($end,$shuffle);
       return $huknc;
    When using ssmtp for simple command line mailing:
    $mail_to = "destination@emailbox.com";
    $msg = "this would be an actual base64_encoded gzip msg";
    $date = date(r);
    $mail = "X-FROM: root@sender.org \n";
    $mail .= "X-TO: ".$mail_to. " \n";
    $mail .= "To: ".$mail_to. " \n";
    $mail .= "Date: $date \n";
    $mail .= "From: root@sender.org \n";
    $mail .= "Subject: lifecheck \n";
    $mail .= $msg." \n";
    exec("echo '$mail'  |  /usr/sbin/ssmtp ".$mail_to);
    be sure to invoke chunk_split() on your message body - ssmtp becomes unhappy with long lines and will subsequently trash your message.
    In reply to "adrian at zhp dot inet dot pl" digit grouping function:
      $number = strrev(chunk_split (strrev($number), 3,' '));
      //If $number is '1234567', result is '1 234 567'.
    There is a much more simple way of doing this, by using the built-in number_format() function. 
      $number = number_format($number,2,"."," ");
      //This will round $number to 2 decimals, use the dot (".")
      //as decimal point, and the space (" ") as thousand sepparator.
    This function is very simple and many other functions make this on PHP 5 and even some ones in 4 the good think about this one is that work on php 3.0.6 and 4 
    function split_hjms_chars($xstr, $xlenint, $xlaststr)
      $texttoshow = chunk_split($xstr,$xlenint,"\r\n"); 
      $texttoshow = split("\r\n",$texttoshow);
      $texttoshow = $texttoshow[0].$xlaststr;
      return $texttoshow;
    // For use 
    echo split_hjms_chars("This is your text",6,"...");
    // Will return
    This i...
    It is useful to cut long text on preview lists and if the server it's old.
    Hope it helps some one. Hans Svane
    Well I have been having issues with a shoutbox I am coding it would keep expanding the <TD> if there were large words in it but I fixed it with this:
    function PadString($String){
      $Exploded = explode(" ", $String);
      $Max_Parts = count($Exploded);
      $CurArray = 0;
      $OutString = '';
        $Peice_Size = strlen($Exploded[$CurArray]);
          $OutString .= chunk_split($Exploded[$CurArray], 12, " ");
        } else {
          $OutString .= " ".$Exploded[$CurArray];
      return $OutString;
    I think this is better, since you can still use the ampersand in your text:
    function HtmlEntitySafeSplit($html,$size,$delim)
      if($pos >= $size && !$unsafe)
      if($c == "&")
      elseif($c == ";")
      elseif($c == " ")
     return $out;
    chunk_split() is not multibyte safe. If you ever run into needing the function that is multibyte safe, here you go:
    function mbStringToArray ($str) {
      if (empty($str)) return false;
      $len = mb_strlen($str);
      $array = array();
      for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $array[] = mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
      return $array;
    function mb_chunk_split($str, $len, $glue) {
      if (empty($str)) return false;
      $array = mbStringToArray ($str);
      $n = 0;
      $new = '';
      foreach ($array as $char) {
        if ($n < $len) $new .= $char;
        elseif ($n == $len) {
          $new .= $glue . $char;
          $n = 0;
      return $new;
    To phpkid:
    This is a much simpler solution.
    function longWordWrap($string) {
      $string = str_replace("\n", "\n ", $string); // add a space after newline characters, so that 2 words only seperated by \n are not considered as 1 word
      $words = explode(" ", $string); // now split by space
      foreach ($words as $word) {
        $outstring .= chunk_split($word, 12, " ") . " ";
      return $outstring;

