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  • Closure::bindTo

    (PHP 5 >= 5.4.0, PHP 7)



    publicClosure::bindTo(object $newthis[,mixed $newscope= 'static']): Closure


    “绑定的对象”决定了函数体中的$this的取值,“类作用域”代表一个类型、决定在这个匿名函数中能够调用哪些私有和保护的方法。也就是说,此时$this 可以调用的方法,与$newscope类的成员函数是相同的。

    静态闭包不能有绑定的对象($newthis参数的值应该设为NULL)不过仍然可以用 bubdTo 方法来改变它们的类作用域。

    This function will ensure that for a non-static closure, having a bound instance will imply being scoped and vice-versa. To this end, non-static closures that are given a scope but a NULL instance are made static and non-static non-scoped closures that are given a non-null instance are scoped to an unspecified class.











    Example #1 Closure::bindTo()实例

    class A {
        function __construct($val) {
            $this->val = $val;
        function getClosure() {
            //returns closure bound to this object and scope
            return function() { return $this->val; };
    $ob1 = new A(1);
    $ob2 = new A(2);
    $cl = $ob1->getClosure();
    echo $cl(), "\n";
    $cl = $cl->bindTo($ob2);
    echo $cl(), "\n";




    • 匿名函数
    • Closure::bind() 复制一个闭包,绑定指定的$this对象和类作用域。
    You can do pretty Javascript-like things with objects using closure binding:
    trait DynamicDefinition {
      public function __call($name, $args) {
        if (is_callable($this->$name)) {
          return call_user_func($this->$name, $args);
        else {
          throw new \RuntimeException("Method {$name} does not exist");
      public function __set($name, $value) {
        $this->$name = is_callable($value)? 
          $value->bindTo($this, $this): 
    class Foo {
      use DynamicDefinition;
      private $privateValue = 'I am private';
    $foo = new Foo;
    $foo->bar = function() {
      return $this->privateValue;
    // prints 'I am private'
    print $foo->bar();
    We can use the concept of bindTo to write a very small Template Engine:
    class Article{
      private $title = "This is an article";
    class Post{
      private $title = "This is a post";
    class Template{
      function render($context, $tpl){
        $closure = function($tpl){
          include $tpl;
          return ob_end_flush();
        $closure = $closure->bindTo($context, $context);
    $art = new Article();
    $post = new Post();
    $template = new Template();
    $template->render($art, 'tpl.php');
    $template->render($post, 'tpl.php');
    <h1><?php echo $this->title;?></h1>
    Private/protected members are accessible if you set the "newscope" argument (as the manual says).
    $fn = function(){
      return ++$this->foo; // increase the value
    class Bar{
      private $foo = 1; // initial value
    $bar = new Bar();
    $fn1 = $fn->bindTo($bar, 'Bar'); // specify class name
    $fn2 = $fn->bindTo($bar, $bar); // or object
    echo $fn1(); // 2
    echo $fn2(); // 3
    With rebindable $this at hand it's possible to do evil stuff:
      class A {
        private $a = 12;
        private function getA () {
          return $this->a;
      class B {
        private $b = 34;
        private function getB () {
          return $this->b;
      $a = new A();
      $b = new B();
      $c = function () {
        if (property_exists($this, "a") && method_exists($this, "getA")) {
          return $this->getA();
        if (property_exists($this, "b") && method_exists($this, "getB")) {
          return $this->getB();
      $ca = $c->bindTo($a, $a);
      $cb = $c->bindTo($b, $b);
      echo $ca(), "\n"; // => 13
      echo $cb(), "\n"; // => 35
    Access private members of parent classes; playing with the scopes:
    class Grandparents{ private $__status1 = 'married'; }
    class Parents extends Grandparents{ private $__status2 = 'divorced'; }
    class Me extends Parents{ private $__status3 = 'single'; }
    $status1_3 = function()
      $this->__status1 = 'happy';
      $this->__status2 = 'happy';
      $this->__status3 = 'happy';
    $status1_2 = function()
      $this->__status1 = 'happy';
      $this->__status2 = 'happy';
    // test 1:
    $c = $status1_3->bindTo($R = new Me, Parents::class);      
    #$c();  // Fatal: Cannot access private property Me::$__status3
    // test 2:
    $d = $status1_2->bindTo($R = new Me, Parents::class);
    object(Me)#5 (4) {
     string(6) "single"
     string(5) "happy"
     string(7) "married"
     string(5) "happy"
    // test 3:
    $e = $status1_3->bindTo($R = new Me, Grandparents::class);  
    #$e(); // Fatal: Cannot access private property Me::$__status3
    // test 4:
    $f = $status1_2->bindTo($R = new Me, Grandparents::class);  
    object(Me)#9 (4) {
     string(6) "single"
     string(8) "divorced"
     string(5) "happy"
     string(5) "happy"
    Clear the stack trace:
    use Exception;
    use ReflectionException;
    $c = function()
      $this->trace = [];
    $c = $c->bindTo($R = new ReflectionException, Exception::class);
      throw $R;
    catch(ReflectionException $R)
    array(0) {
    If you want to unbind completely the closure and the scope you need to set both to null:
    class MyClass
      public $foo = 'a';
      protected $bar = 'b';
      private $baz = 'c';
       * @return array
      public function toArray()
        // Only public variables
        return (function ($obj) {
          return get_object_vars($obj);
        })->bindTo(null, null)($this);
    In this example, only the public variables of the class are exported (foo).
    If you use the default scope (->bindTo(null)) also protected and private variables are exported (foo, bar and baz).
    It was hard to figure it out because there is nowhere mentioned in the documentation that you can use null as a scope.
    Closures can rebind their $this variable, but private/protected methods and functions of $this are not accessible to the closures. 
    $fn = function(){
      return $this->foo;
    class Bar{
      private $foo = 3;
    $bar = new Bar();
    $fn = $fn->bindTo($bar);
    echo $fn(); // Fatal error: Cannot access private property Bar::$foo
