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  • proc_terminate()

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)

    杀除由 proc_open 打开的进程


    proc_terminate(resource $process[,int $signal= 15]): bool













    • proc_open() 执行一个命令,并且打开用来输入/输出的文件指针。
    • proc_close() 关闭由 proc_open 打开的进程并且返回进程退出码
    • proc_get_status() 获取由 proc_open 函数打开的进程的信息
    /bin/sh -c CMD will fork sh and then exec CMD.
    /bin/sh -c exec CMD will NOT fork and only executes CMD.
    Therefore, you can get rid of this hack by prefixing your command to "exec bla bla bla".
    As explained in http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39992, proc_terminate() leaves children of the child process running. In my application, these children often have infinite loops, so I need a sure way to kill processes created with proc_open(). When I call proc_terminate(), the /bin/sh process is killed, but the child with the infinite loop is left running. 
    Until proc_terminate() gets fixed, I would not recommend using it. Instead, my solution is to:
    1) call proc_get_status() to get the parent pid (ppid) of the process I want to kill. 
    2) use ps to get all pids that have that ppid as their parent pid
    3) use posix_kill() to send the SIGKILL (9) signal to each of those child pids
    4) call proc_close() on process resource
    $descriptorspec = array(
    0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
    1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
    2 => array('pipe', 'w')  // stderr is a pipe the child will write to
    $process = proc_open('bad_program', $descriptorspec, $pipes);
    if(!is_resource($process)) {
      throw new Exception('bad_program could not be started.');
    //pass some input to the program
    fwrite($pipes[0], $lots_of_data);
    //close stdin. By closing stdin, the program should exit
    //after it finishes processing the input
    //do some other stuff ... the process will probably still be running
    //if we check on it right away
    $status = proc_get_status($process);
    if($status['running'] == true) { //process ran too long, kill it
      //close all pipes that are still open
      fclose($pipes[1]); //stdout
      fclose($pipes[2]); //stderr
      //get the parent pid of the process we want to kill
      $ppid = $status['pid'];
      //use ps to get all the children of this process, and kill them
      $pids = preg_split('/\s+/', `ps -o pid --no-heading --ppid $ppid`);
      foreach($pids as $pid) {
        if(is_numeric($pid)) {
          echo "Killing $pid\n";
          posix_kill($pid, 9); //9 is the SIGKILL signal
    on Windows platform proc_terminate() does not kill sub-processes that are not handling kill signals. It happens even if you call xxx.exe and call proc_terminate() the process will remain active.
    The solution is instead of calling proc_terminate() is to call the user-defined kill() function (already win/unix optimized)
    After that need to close all pipes and execute proc_close().
    function kill($pid){ 
      return stripos(php_uname('s'), 'win')>-1 ? exec("taskkill /F /T /PID $pid") : exec("kill -9 $pid");
    function killall($pids) { 
      $os=stripos(php_uname('s'), 'win')>-1;
      ($_=implode($os?' /PID ':' ',$pids)) or ($_=$pids);
      return preg_match('/success|close/', $os ? exec("taskkill /F /T /PID $_") : exec("kill -9 $_"));
    $pstatus = proc_get_status($resource);
    $PID = $pstatus['pid'];
    // other commands
    kill($PID); // instead of proc_terminate($resource);

