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  • class_alias()

    (PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)



    class_alias(string $original,string $alias[,bool $autoload=TRUE]): bool












    Example #1class_alias()例子

    class foo { }
    class_alias('foo', 'bar');
    $a = new foo;
    $b = new bar;
    // the objects are the same
    var_dump($a == $b, $a === $b);
    var_dump($a instanceof $b);
    // the classes are the same
    var_dump($a instanceof foo);
    var_dump($a instanceof bar);
    var_dump($b instanceof foo);
    var_dump($b instanceof bar);




    class_alias() gives you the ability to do conditional imports.
    Whereas the following will not work:
    namespace Component;
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', 'gte')) {
      use My\ArrayObject;
    } else {
      use ArrayObject;
    class Container extends ArrayObject
    the following, using class_alias, will:
    namespace Component;
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', 'lt')) {
      class_alias('My\ArrayObject', 'Component\ArrayObject');
    } else {
      class_alias('ArrayObject', 'Component\ArrayObject');
    class Container extends ArrayObject
    The semantics are slightly different (I'm now indicating that Container extends from an ArrayObject implementation in the same namespace), but the overall idea is the same: conditional imports.
    If you defined the class 'original' in a namespace, you will have to specify the namespace(s), too:
    namespace ns1\ns2\ns3;
    class A {}
    class_alias('ns1\ns2\ns3\A', 'B');
    /* or if you want B to exist in ns1\ns2\ns3 */
    class_alias('ns1\ns2\ns3\A', 'ns1\ns2\ns3\B');
    class_alias also works for interfaces!
    interface foo {}
    class_alias('foo', 'bar');
    echo interface_exists('bar') ? 'yes!' : 'no'; // prints yes!
    class_alias() creates aliases only for user defined classes, not for classes supplied by PHP (PHP will show the warning "First argument of class_alias() must be a name of user defined class"). To create aliases for every kind of classes, use namespaces:
    // Does not work
    class_alias("ZipArchive", "myZip");
    // Creates class alias "myZip" of class "ZipArchive"
    use \ZipArchive as myZip;
    At first, you might wonder that:
    <?php class A {}; class_alias('A', 'B'); ?>
    is equivalent to:
    <?php class A {}; class B extends A {}; ?>
    class_alias is NOT equivalent to class extending! Private methods/properties are unseen in child classes, but in alias classes they are.
    At first, you might wonder that:
    <?php class A {}; class_alias('A', 'B'); ?>
    is equivalent to:
    <?php class A {}; class B extends A {}; ?>
    BUT when derivation creates a new class name - that means, you can then instantiate a new kind of objects - aliasing is just what it says: a synonym, so objects instantiated with the aliased name are of the exact same kind of objects instantiated with the non-aliased name.
    See this code for example:
    class A {};
    class B1 extends A {};
    class_alias('A', 'B2');
    $b1 = new B1; echo get_class($b1); // prints B1
    $b2 = new B2; echo get_class($b2); // prints A !
    It also works with Traits!
    trait Foo {}
    echo trait_exists("Bar") ? 'yes' : 'no'; 
    The alias really is an alias for the existing class. It's not a new class of any kind - whether by inheritance or otherwise; it doesn't just look and behave exactly like the existing class; it really is the same class.
    class foo
      public static $count = 0;
    class_alias('foo', 'bar');
    echo foo::$count; // Output: 1
    echo get_class(new Bar); // Output: foo
    Note in the last line there that aliases are just as case-insensitive as "genuine" class names.
    Doesn't work with coupled classes when used along with autoloading.
    For example, in these classes where each class is autoloaded in a separate class file:
    interface Foo{
     public function fx(Bar $bar);
    class Bar2 implements Foo{
     public function fx(Bar2 $bar){
      // some implementation code here
    class_alias("Bar2", "Bar");
    When used with an autoloader like this:
     require($class . ".php");
    new Bar;
    Results in fatal error:
      Declaration of Bar2::fx(Bar2 $bar) must be compatible with Foo::fx(Bar $bar) in ~/Bar2.php on line 2
    Doesn't work with coupled classes when used along with autoloading.
    For example, in these classes where each class is autoloaded in a separate class file:
    interface Foo{
     public function fx(Bar $bar);
    class Bar2 implements Foo{
     public function fx(Bar2 $bar){
      // some implementation code here
    class_alias("Bar2", "Bar");
    When used with an autoloader like this:
     require($class . ".php");
    new Bar;
    Results in fatal error:
      Declaration of Bar2::fx(Bar2 $bar) must be compatible with Foo::fx(Bar $bar) in ~/Bar2.php on line 2
    Something to note,
    If the $original class has not yet been defined or loaded, the auto loader will be invoked in order to try and load it.
    If the class for which you are trying to create an alias does not exist, or can not be loaded with the auto loader, you will generate a PHP Warning.
    If you need the same function in PHP version < 5.3 you can use this
    function class_alias($original,$alias) {
      $newclass = create_function('','class '.$alias.' extends '.$original.' {}');
    Like class_alias but for functions:
    function function_alias ($original, $alias) {
     $args = func_get_args();
     assert('count($args) == 2', 'function_alias() require exactly two arguments');
     assert('is_string($original) && is_string($alias)', 'function_alias() require string arguments');
     // valid function name - http://php.net/manual/en/functions.user-defined.php
     assert('preg_match(\'/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][\\\\\\\\a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/\', $original) > 0',
      "'$original' is not a valid function name");
     assert('preg_match(\'/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][\\\\\\\\a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/\', $alias) > 0',
      "'$alias' is not a valid function name");
     $aliasNamespace = substr($alias, 0, strrpos($alias, '\\') !== false ? strrpos($alias, '\\') : 0);
     $aliasName = substr($alias, strrpos($alias, '\\') !== false ? strrpos($alias, '\\') + 1 : 0);
     $serializedOriginal = var_export($original, true);
      namespace $aliasNamespace {
       function $aliasName () {
        return call_user_func_array($serializedOriginal, func_get_args());
    Until hopefully function_alias is added to php...