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  • ReflectionClass::isInstantiable()

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)



    publicReflectionClass::isInstantiable(void): bool







    Example #1ReflectionClass::isInstantiable()例子

    class C { }
    interface iface {
        function f1();
    class ifaceImpl implements iface {
        function f1() {}
    abstract class abstractClass {
        function f1() { }
        abstract function f2();
    class D extends abstractClass {
        function f2() { }
    class privateConstructor {
        private function __construct() { }
    $classes = array(
    foreach($classes  as $class ) {
        $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
        echo "Is $class instantiable?  ";


    Is C instantiable?  bool(true)
    Is iface instantiable?  bool(false)
    Is ifaceImpl instantiable?  bool(true)
    Is abstractClass instantiable?  bool(false)
    Is D instantiable?  bool(true)
    Is privateConstructor instantiable?  bool(false)


    • ReflectionClass::isInstance() 检查类的实例
    An example missing from the documentation is that `ReflectionClass::isInstantiable` will also return false for traits, as well as interfaces and abstract classes.
    trait t {
      // Optional trait methods and properties etc.
    $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass("t");
    var_dump($reflectionClass->isInstantiable()); // bool(false)
    As for classes with private constructors, it is still possible to create an instance by either bypassing the constructor using `ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor`, or by ensuring the class has a method which can create a new instance.
    class p {
      private function __construct() {
        // Optional constructor logic - not called when ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor is used.
      public static function create() {
        return new p;
      // Optional methods and properties etc.
    // Class is not classed as instantiable.
    $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass("p");
    var_dump($reflectionClass->isInstantiable()); // bool(false)
    // We're still able to create an instance using one of the two methods.
    $p = p::create();
    $p = $reflectionClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
    The same is also true for protected constructors, however, the class can be instantiated from either parent or child methods, depending on where the constructor is defined.
    class p {
      protected function __construct() {
        // Optional constructor logic.
      public static function create( $class = "" ) {
        if (!$class) {
          $class = get_called_class();
        return new $class;
      // Optional parent methods and properties etc.
    class c extends p
      // Optional child methods and properties etc.
    // Both child and parent static methods have access to each other's protected constructor.
    $p = c::create("p");
    $c = p::create("c");
    // Both are still not classed as being instantiable.
    $reflectionClassP = new ReflectionClass("p");
    $reflectionClassC = new ReflectionClass("c");
    var_dump($reflectionClassP->isInstantiable()); // bool(false)
    var_dump($reflectionClassC->isInstantiable()); // bool(false)
    // We're still able to bypass the constructor and create an instance for each.
    $p = $reflectionClassP->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
    $c = $reflectionClassC->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();