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  • socket_recvfrom()

    (PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented


    socket_recvfrom(resource $socket,string &$buf,int $len,int $flags,string &$name[,int &$port]): int

    The socket_recvfrom() function receives$lenbytes of data in$buffrom$nameon port$port(if the socket is not of type AF_UNIX)using$socket.socket_recvfrom() can be used to gather data from both connected and unconnected sockets. Additionally, one or more flags can be specified to modify the behaviour of the function.

    The$nameand$portmust be passed by reference. If the socket is not connection-oriented,$namewill be set to the internet protocol address of the remote host or the path to the UNIX socket. If the socket is connection-oriented,$nameis NULL. Additionally, the$portwill contain the port of the remote host in the case of an unconnected AF_INET or AF_INET6 socket.




    The$socketmust be a socket resource previously created by socket_create().


    The data received will be fetched to the variable specified with$buf.


    Up to$lenbytes will be fetched from remote host.


    The value of$flagscan be any combination of the following flags, joined with the binary OR(|)operator.

    Possible values for$flags
    MSG_OOB Process out-of-band data.
    MSG_PEEK Receive data from the beginning of the receive queue without removing it from the queue.
    MSG_WAITALL Block until at least$lenare received. However, if a signal is caught or the remote host disconnects, the function may return less data.
    MSG_DONTWAIT With this flag set, the function returns even if it would normally have blocked.

    If the socket is of the type AF_UNIX type,$nameis the path to the file. Else, for unconnected sockets,$nameis the IP address of, the remote host, or NULL if the socket is connection-oriented.


    This argument only applies to AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets, and specifies the remote port from which the data is received. If the socket is connection-oriented,$portwill be NULL.


    socket_recvfrom() returns the number of bytes received, or FALSE if there was an error. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling socket_last_error(). This error code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual explanation of the error.


    socket_recvfrom() example

    error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
    $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
    socket_bind($socket, '', 1223);
    $from = '';
    $port = 0;
    socket_recvfrom($socket, $buf, 12, 0, $from, $port);
    echo "Received $buf from remote address $from and remote port $port" . PHP_EOL;

    This example will initiate a UDP socket on port 1223 of and print at most 12 characters received from a remote host.


    If you use socket_recvfrom on a UDP socket and combine it with the MSG_DONTWAIT flag, it will raise a PHP Warning if there is nothing to read. AFAIK, there is no way around that warning except suppressing it with @ (i.e. you cannot check if there is data before calling socket_recvfrom).
    Pay attention! On some PHP version the MSG_DONTWAIT flag is not defined (see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48326)
    MSG_DONTWAIT doesn't seem to exist in windows sockets. However socket_set_nonblock() seems to do the trick.
    I'm confused about the rerturn value of socket_recvfrom(), it said -1 when failed, but when I call like this:
    if (($len = @socket_recvfrom($sock, $result, 32, 0, $ip, $port)) == -1) {
      if ($this->_debug) {
        echo "socket_read() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n";
      return false;
    variable $len = false, when I change the buffer length from 32 to 4096, it becomes right.
    while(TRUE) {
      $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); 
      if($socket === FALSE) 
        echo 'Socket_create failed: '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error())."\n";
      if(!socket_bind($socketD, "", 53)) {
        echo 'socket_bind failed: '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error())."\n";
      $stz = bin2hex($buf);
      $tx = "";
       $e = "00";
       $e[0] = $stz[$i*2+26];
       $e[1] = $stz[$i*2+27];
       $f = hexdec($e);
       if($f > 0 && $f < 32) $tx .= "."; else
       $tx .= sprintf("%c",$f);
      echo "$clientIP <".$tx.">\n";                      
      $fp = fsockopen("udp://",53,$errno,$errstr);
      if (!$fp) 
        echo "ERROR: $errno - $errstr<br />\n";
       $ret = $buf;
       $ret = fread($fp,667);

