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  • socket_send()

    (PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Sends data to a connected socket


    socket_send(resource $socket,string $buf,int $len,int $flags): int

    The function socket_send() sends$lenbytes to the socket$socketfrom$buf.



    A valid socket resource created with socket_create() or socket_accept().


    A buffer containing the data that will be sent to the remote host.


    The number of bytes that will be sent to the remote host from$buf.


    The value of$flagscan be any combination of the following flags, joined with the binary OR(|)operator.

    Possible values for$flags
    MSG_OOB Send OOB(out-of-band)data.
    MSG_EOR Indicate a record mark. The sent data completes the record.
    MSG_EOF Close the sender side of the socket and include an appropriate notification of this at the end of the sent data. The sent data completes the transaction.
    MSG_DONTROUTE Bypass routing, use direct interface.


    socket_send() returns the number of bytes sent, or FALSE on error.


    //creo la conexio socket 
    $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); //protocolo UDP
    //$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); //protocolo TCP
    //obtengo valor en bytes
    $len = strlen($msg->toString(1));
    //envio informacion a socket
    $sendMsg = socket_send($sock, $msg->toString(1), $len, MSG_DONTROUTE);
    //cierro conexion iniciada

