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  • odbc_prepare()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Prepares a statement for execution


    odbc_prepare(resource $connection_id,string $query_string): resource

    Prepares a statement for execution. The result identifier can be used later to execute the statement with odbc_execute().

    Some databases(such as IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, and Oracle)support stored procedures that accept parameters of type IN, INOUT, and OUT as defined by the ODBC specification. However, the Unified ODBC driver currently only supports parameters of type IN to stored procedures.



    ODBC 连接标识符,详见odbc_connect()。


    The query string statement being prepared.


    Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was prepared successfully. Returns FALSE on error.


    Example #1 odbc_execute() and odbc_prepare() example

    In the following code,$successwill only be TRUE if all three parameters to myproc are IN parameters:

    $a = 1;
    $b = 2;
    $c = 3;
    $stmt    = odbc_prepare($conn, 'CALL myproc(?,?,?)');
    $success = odbc_execute($stmt, array($a, $b, $c));

    If you need to call a stored procedure using INOUT or OUT parameters, the recommended workaround is to use a native extension for your database(for example,mssql for MS SQL Server, or oci8 for Oracle).


    Is it just me or is the code above misleading? It makes it look like odbc_execute() returns a resource suitable, say, for passing to one of the odbc_fetch_* functions.
    In fact, odbc_execute() returns a boolean, which simply indicates success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE). The variable to pass to odbc_fetch_* is the same one that you pass to odbc_execute():
    $res = odbc_prepare($db_conn, $query_string);
    if(!$res) die("could not prepare statement ".$query_string);
    if(odbc_execute($res, $parameters)) {
      $row = odbc_fetch_array($res);
    } else {
      // handle error
    The resource returned by odbc_prepare can be freed with odbc_free_result.
    Use this example for IBM DB/2:
    $q = "update TABLE set PASS=? where NAME=?";
    $res = odbc_prepare ($con, $q);
    $a = "secret"; $b="user";
    $exc = odbc_execute($res, array($a, $b));
    odbc_exec() returns BOOLEAN if the query doesn't return a result set.
    If the query returns a result set, odbc_exec() returns a resource to that result set.