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  • GmagickDraw::rectangle()

    (PECL gmagick >= Unknown)

    Draws a rectangle


    publicGmagickDraw::rectangle(float $x1,float $y1,float $x2,float $y2): GmagickDraw

    Draws a rectangle given two coordinates and using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill settings.



    x ordinate of first coordinate


    y ordinate of first coordinate


    x ordinate of second coordinate


    y ordinate of second coordinate


    The GmagickDraw object on success

    Создаем белый прямоугольник внизу изображения. [Create a white rectangle at the bottom of the image.]
    $image = "http://localhost/files/upload/399000/399357/cmsimage8KEGF3.jpg";
    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image);
    $gmagicDraw = new GmagickDraw();
    $gmagicDraw->rectangle(0, $height - $height * 0.02, $width, $height);
    $gImage = new Gmagick();
    $gImage->writeimage(DOCROOT . "files/temp/img". $someId);