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  • PDF_fit_image()

    (PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0)

    Place image or template


    PDF_fit_image(resource $pdfdoc,int $image,float $x,float $y,string $optlist): bool

    Places an image or template on the page, subject to various options.成功时返回TRUE,或者在失败时返回FALSE

    $slika = pdf_load_image($pdf,"gif","D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\telime.gif","");
    this worked for me full path to the file
    Hello php cracks
    First of all, the reference point of the image is its left, bottom corner. Furthermore, I just thought it would be nice to know some of the most used options that can be passed using the fifth parameter "string optlist".
    Scaling the image (e.g. by a factor of 0.5)
    <?php PDF_fit_image ( $pdf, $img, $x, $y, "scale 0.5" ) ?>
    Rotating the image (e.g. by an angle of 45 degrees)
    <?php PDF_fit_image ( $pdf, $img, $x, $y, "rotate 45" ) ?>
    Note: The reference point rotates with the image!
    Fitting the image into a virtual box
    <?php PDF_fit_image ( $pdf, $img, $x, $y, "boxsize {200 100} fitmethod meet" ) ?>
    Note: The box width and height (in Adobe points) would be given in the curly braces. Using the fitmethod "meet", the image would be ratio-scaled to be completely visible. Other methods are "clip" and "slice".
    Multiple options can be used at the same time by simply concatenating them using a space. By the way, most pdf functions work exactly the same as the PDFlib functions. So just risk a look into the PFLlib documentations (use a search engine).
    Hope this helped! Best regards - Adrian