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  • 返回值




    return 的使用

    Example #1 return的使用

    function square($num)
        return $num * $num;
    echo square(4);   // outputs '16'.


    Example #2 返回一个数组以得到多个返回值

    function small_numbers()
        return array (0, 1, 2);
    list ($zero, $one, $two) = small_numbers();


    Example #3 从函数返回一个引用

    function &returns_reference()
        return $someref;
    $newref =& returns_reference();



    PHP 7 增加了对返回值类型声明的支持。就如类型声明一样,返回值类型声明将指定该函数返回值的类型。同样,返回值类型声明也与有效类型中可用的参数类型声明一致。





    Example #4 基础返回值类型声明

    function sum($a, $b): float {
        return $a + $b;
    // Note that a float will be returned.
    var_dump(sum(1, 2));



    Example #5 严格模式下执行

    function sum($a, $b): int {
        return $a + $b;
    var_dump(sum(1, 2));
    var_dump(sum(1, 2.5));


    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of sum() must be of the type integer, float returned in - on line 5 in -:5
    Stack trace:
    #0 -(9): sum(1, 2.5)
    #1 {main}
      thrown in - on line 5

    Example #6 返回一个对象

    class C {}
    function getC(): C {
        return new C;


    object(C)#1 (0) {
    PHP 7.1 allows for void and null return types by preceding the type declaration with a ? -- (e.g. function canReturnNullorString(): ?string) 
    However resource is not allowed as a return type:
    function fileOpen(string $fileName, string $mode): resource
      $handle = fopen($fileName, $mode);
      if ($handle !== false)
        return $handle;
    $resourceHandle = fileOpen("myfile.txt", "r");
    Errors with:
    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of fileOpen() must be an instance of resource, resource returned.
    Developers with a C background may expect pass by reference semantics for arrays. It may be surprising that pass by value is used for arrays just like scalars. Objects are implicitly passed by reference.
    # (1) Objects are always passed by reference and returned by reference
    class Obj {
      public $x;
    function obj_inc_x($obj) {
      return $obj;
    $obj = new Obj();
    $obj->x = 1;
    $obj2 = obj_inc_x($obj);
    print $obj->x . ', ' . $obj2->x . "\n";
    # (2) Scalars are not passed by reference or returned as such
    function scalar_inc_x($x) {
      return $x;
    $x = 1;
    $x2 = scalar_inc_x($x);
    print $x . ', ' . $x2 . "\n";
    # (3) You have to force pass by reference and return by reference on scalars
    function &scalar_ref_inc_x(&$x) {
      return $x;
    $x = 1;
    $x2 =& scalar_ref_inc_x($x);  # Need reference here as well as the function sig
    print $x . ', ' . $x2 . "\n";
    # (4) Arrays use pass by value sematics just like scalars
    function array_inc_x($array) {
      return $array;
    $array = array();
    $array['x'] = 1;
    $array2 = array_inc_x($array);
    print $array['x'] . ', ' . $array2['x'] . "\n";
    # (5) You have to force pass by reference and return by reference on arrays
    function &array_ref_inc_x(&$array) {
      return $array;
    $array = array();
    $array['x'] = 1;
    $array2 =& array_ref_inc_x($array); # Need reference here as well as the function sig
    print $array['x'] . ', ' . $array2['x'] . "\n";
    Be careful about using "do this thing or die()" logic in your return lines. It doesn't work as you'd expect:
    function myfunc1() {
      return('thingy' or die('otherthingy'));
    function myfunc2() {
      return 'thingy' or die('otherthingy');
    function myfunc3() {
      return('thingy') or die('otherthingy');
    function myfunc4() {
      return 'thingy' or 'otherthingy';
    function myfunc5() {
      $x = 'thingy' or 'otherthingy'; return $x;
    echo myfunc1(). "\n". myfunc2(). "\n". myfunc3(). "\n". myfunc4(). "\n". myfunc5(). "\n";
    Only myfunc5() returns 'thingy' - the rest return 1.
    With 7.1, these are possible yet;
    function ret_void(): void {
      // do something but no return any value
      // if needs to break fn exec for any reason simply write return;
      if (...) {
        return; // break
        // return null; // even this NO!
      // no need return call anymore 
    function ret_nullable() ?int {
      if (...) {
        return 123;
      } else {
        return null; // MUST!
    Be careful when introducing return types to your code.
    Only one return type can be specified (but prefacing with ? allows null).
    Return values of a type different to that specified are silently converted with sometimes perplexing results. These can be tedious to find and will need rewriting, along with calling code.
    Declare strict types using "declare(strict_types=1);" and an error will be generated, saving much head-scratching.
    You may specify child return type if there is no parent:
    class A {
      public function f ($a)
        return 1;
    class B extends A {
      public function f ($a): int // + return type, OK
        return 1;
    class C extends A {
      public function f (int $a) // + argument type, WARNING
        return 1;
    Functions which return references, may return a NULL value. This is inconsistent with the fact that function parameters passed by reference can't be passed as NULL (or in fact anything which isnt a variable).
    function &testRet()
      return NULL;
    if (testRet() === NULL)
      echo "NULL";
    parses fine and echoes NULL
    PHP 7 return types if specified can not return a null.
    For example:
    function add2ints(int $x, int $y): int
      $z = $x + $y;
      if ($z===0)
        return null;
      return $z;
    $a = add2ints(3, 4);
    echo is_null($a) ? 'Null' : $a;
    $b = add2ints(-2, 2);
    echo is_null($b) ? 'Null' : $b;
    Process finished with exit code 139
    Declaring a collection of objects as return type is not implemented and forbidden:
    class Child{}
    function getChilds(): Child[]
      return [(new Child()), (new Child())];
    // Returns: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting '{'
    We have to use:
    class Child{}
    function getChilds(): array
      return [(new Child()), (new Child())];
    // Returns: 
    array (size=2)
     0 =>
     1 =>
    Idem for function parameter:
    function setChilds(Child[] $childs){}
    // Not allowed
    function setChilds(array $childs){}
    // Allowed
    Note: the function does not have "alternative syntax" as if/endif, while/endwhile, and colon (:) here is used to define returning type and not to mark where the block statement begins.
    Just a quick clarification on whether variables are passed by reference or not. Variables are always passed using a pointer, and if the variable is modified, it is copied and re-assigned. For example:
    function byPointer($x) {
      return $x / 3; // Does not modify or create a copy of $x
    function copied($x) {
      $x++; // At this point, creates a copy of $x to be used in local scope
      return $x;
    class Obj {
      public function performAction() {}
      public $y;
    function objPointer(Obj $x) {
      $x->performAction(); //works on $x
      $x->y = '150'; //works on $x
      $x = new Obj(); // Does not modify $x outside of function
      $x->y = '250';
    function objReference(Obj &$x) {
      $x->performAction(); //works on $x
      $x->y = '150'; //works on $x
      $x = new Obj(); // Modifies original $x outside of function
      $x->y = '250';
    $x = new Obj();
    $x->y = '10';
    echo "Post Pointer: {$x->y}\n";
    $x->y = '10';
    echo "Post Reference: {$x->y}\n";
    This will output:
    Post Pointer: 150
    Post Reference: 250
    So make sure when writing functions that if you want to pass by reference you actually mean by reference, and not using standard PHP pointers
    In reference to the poster above, an additional (better?) way to return multiple values from a function is to use list(). For example:
    function fn($a, $b)
      # complex stuff
      return array(
       $a * $b,
       $a + $b,
    list($product, $sum) = fn(3, 4);
    echo $product; # prints 12
    echo $sum; # prints 7
    If a function/method parameter has a type declaration , then php compiler will check it the moment of invocation regardless if strict_types is set to 1 or 0 or not set at all.
    However, php will check parameters types on build in php functions when strict_types is set to 1;
    I like this method of concatinating methods by returning $this. It makes my code more readable. If the returned value is not an object it will fail and you find mistakes easier.
    class Dummy {
      private $result;
      function __construct()
        $this->result =
      function setStuff($value)
        // do something
        return $this;
      function generateResult()
        return ['the result'];
      function getResult()
        return $this->result;

