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  • Exception::getTraceAsString

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)



    finalpublicException::getTraceAsString(void): string







    Example #1 Exception::getTraceAsString()示例

    function test() {
        throw new Exception;
    try {
    } catch(Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getTraceAsString();


    #0 /home/bjori/tmp/ex.php(7): test()
    #1 {main}


    • Throwable::getTraceAsString()
    Honestly, Exception::getTraceAsString() simply sucks, listing only the called method (below, for example, on line 89 function fail2() gets called, but there's no information that you have the originator is fail1()). The fact that, in the example below, the exception gets thrown on line 78, is completely omitted from the trace and only available within the exception. Chained exceptions are not supported as well.
    #0 /var/htdocs/websites/sbdevel/public/index.php(70): seabird\test\C->exc()
    #1 /var/htdocs/websites/sbdevel/public/index.php(85): seabird\test\C->doexc()
    #2 /var/htdocs/websites/sbdevel/public/index.php(89): seabird\test\fail2()
    #3 /var/htdocs/websites/sbdevel/public/index.php(93): seabird\test\fail1()
    #4 {main}
    jTraceEx() provides a much better java-like stack trace that includes support for chained exceptions:
    Exception: Thrown from class C
     at seabird.test.C.exc(index.php:78)
     at seabird.test.C.doexc(index.php:70)
     at seabird.test.fail2(index.php:85)
     at seabird.test.fail1(index.php:89)
     at (main)(index.php:93)
    Caused by: Exception: Thrown from class B
     at seabird.test.B.exc(index.php:64)
     at seabird.test.C.exc(index.php:75)
     ... 4 more
    Caused by: Exception: Thrown from class A
     at seabird.test.A.exc(index.php:46)
     at seabird.test.B.exc(index.php:61)
     ... 5 more
    (see at the end for the example code)
     * jTraceEx() - provide a Java style exception trace
     * @param $exception
     * @param $seen   - array passed to recursive calls to accumulate trace lines already seen
     *           leave as NULL when calling this function
     * @return array of strings, one entry per trace line
    function jTraceEx($e, $seen=null) {
      $starter = $seen ? 'Caused by: ' : '';
      $result = array();
      if (!$seen) $seen = array();
      $trace = $e->getTrace();
      $prev  = $e->getPrevious();
      $result[] = sprintf('%s%s: %s', $starter, get_class($e), $e->getMessage());
      $file = $e->getFile();
      $line = $e->getLine();
      while (true) {
        $current = "$file:$line";
        if (is_array($seen) && in_array($current, $seen)) {
          $result[] = sprintf(' ... %d more', count($trace)+1);
        $result[] = sprintf(' at %s%s%s(%s%s%s)',
                      count($trace) && array_key_exists('class', $trace[0]) ? str_replace('\\', '.', $trace[0]['class']) : '',
                      count($trace) && array_key_exists('class', $trace[0]) && array_key_exists('function', $trace[0]) ? '.' : '',
                      count($trace) && array_key_exists('function', $trace[0]) ? str_replace('\\', '.', $trace[0]['function']) : '(main)',
                      $line === null ? $file : basename($file),
                      $line === null ? '' : ':',
                      $line === null ? '' : $line);
        if (is_array($seen))
          $seen[] = "$file:$line";
        if (!count($trace))
        $file = array_key_exists('file', $trace[0]) ? $trace[0]['file'] : 'Unknown Source';
        $line = array_key_exists('file', $trace[0]) && array_key_exists('line', $trace[0]) && $trace[0]['line'] ? $trace[0]['line'] : null;
      $result = join("\n", $result);
      if ($prev)
        $result .= "\n" . jTraceEx($prev, $seen);
      return $result;
    Here's the example code:
    class A {
      public function exc() {
        throw new \Exception('Thrown from class A');  // <-- line 46
    class B {
      public function exc() {
        try {
          $a = new A;
          $a->exc();  // <-- line 61
        catch(\Exception $e1) {
          throw new \Exception('Thrown from class B', 0, $e1);  // <-- line 64
    class C {
      public function doexc() {
        $this->exc();  // <-- line 70
      public function exc() {
        try {
          $b = new B;
          $b->exc();  // <-- line 75
        catch(\Exception $e1) {
          throw new \Exception('Thrown from class C', 0, $e1);  // <-- line 78
    function fail2() {
      $c = new C;
      $c->doexc();  // <-- line 85
    function fail1() {
      fail2();      // <-- line 89
    try {
      fail1();      // <-- line 93
    catch(\Exception $e) {
      echo jTraceEx($e);
    this method uses \n for new line (i expected PHP_EOL but well ...).
    if you want to log the string as one single line use something like:
    $separator = ', ';
    $one_line = str_replace("\n", $separator, $e->getTraceAsString());