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  • array_reduce()

    (PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5, PHP 7)



    array_reduce(array $array,callable$callback[,mixed $initial=NULL]): mixed




    输入的 array。

    callback(mixed $carry,mixed $item): mixed












    Example #1array_reduce()例子

    function sum($carry, $item)
        $carry += $item;
        return $carry;
    function product($carry, $item)
        $carry *= $item;
        return $carry;
    $a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    $x = array();
    var_dump(array_reduce($a, "sum")); // int(15)
    var_dump(array_reduce($a, "product", 10)); // int(1200), because: 10*1*2*3*4*5
    var_dump(array_reduce($x, "sum", "No data to reduce")); // string(17) "No data to reduce"


    • array_filter() 用回调函数过滤数组中的单元
    • array_map() 为数组的每个元素应用回调函数
    • array_unique() 移除数组中重复的值
    • array_count_values() 统计数组中所有的值
    To make it clearer about what the two parameters of the callback are for, and what "reduce to a single value" actually means (using associative and commutative operators as examples may obscure this).
    The first parameter to the callback is an accumulator where the result-in-progress is effectively assembled. If you supply an $initial value the accumulator starts out with that value, otherwise it starts out null.
    The second parameter is where each value of the array is passed during each step of the reduction.
    The return value of the callback becomes the new value of the accumulator. When the array is exhausted, array_reduce() returns accumulated value.
    If you carried out the reduction by hand, you'd get something like the following lines, every one of which therefore producing the same result:
    array_reduce(array(1,2,3,4), 'f',     99       );
    array_reduce(array(2,3,4),  'f',    f(99,1)     );
    array_reduce(array(3,4),   'f',   f(f(99,1),2)    );
    array_reduce(array(4),    'f',  f(f(f(99,1),2),3)  );
    array_reduce(array(),    'f', f(f(f(f(99,1),2),3),4) );
    If you made function f($v,$w){return "f($v,$w)";} the last line would be the literal result.
    A PHP implementation might therefore look something like this (less details like error checking and so on):
    function array_reduce($array, $callback, $initial=null)
      $acc = $initial;
      foreach($array as $a)
        $acc = $callback($acc, $a);
      return $acc;
    So, if you were wondering how to use this where key and value are passed in to the function. I've had success with the following (this example generates formatted html attributes from an associative array of attribute => value pairs):
      // Attribute List
      $attribs = [
        'name' => 'first_name',
        'value' => 'Edward'
      // Attribute string formatted for use inside HTML element
      $formatted_attribs = array_reduce(
        array_keys($attribs),            // We pass in the array_keys instead of the array here
        function ($carry, $key) use ($attribs) {  // ... then we 'use' the actual array here
          return $carry . ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars( $attribs[$key] ) . '"';
    echo $formatted_attribs;
    This will output:
     name="first_name" value="Edward"
    Sometimes we need to go through an array and group the indexes so that it is easier and easier to extract them in the iteration.
    $people = [
      ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Hayley'],
      ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Jack', 'dad' => 1],
      ['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Linus', 'dad'=> 4],
      ['id' => 4, 'name' => 'Peter' ],
      ['id' => 5, 'name' => 'Tom', 'dad' => 4],
    $family = array_reduce($people, function($accumulator, $item) {
      // if you don't have a dad you are probably a dad
      if (!isset($item['dad'])) {
        $id = $item['id'];
        $name = $item['name'];
        // take the children if you already have 
        $children = $accumulator[$id]['children'] ?? [];
        // add dad
        $accumulator[$id] = ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name,'children' => $children];
        return $accumulator;
      // add a new dad if you haven't already 
      $dad = $item['dad'];
      if (!isset($accumulator[$dad])) {
        // how did you find the dad will first add only with children 
        $accumulator[$dad] = ['children' => [$item]];
        return $accumulator;
      // add a son to his dad who has already been added
      // by the first or second conditional "if"
      $accumulator[$dad]['children'][] = $item;
      return $accumulator;
    }, []);
    array (
     0 =>
     array (
      'id' => 1,
      'name' => 'Hayley',
      'children' =>
      array (
       0 =>
       array (
        'id' => 2,
        'name' => 'Jack',
        'dad' => 1,
     1 =>
     array (
      'id' => 4,
      'name' => 'Peter',
      'children' =>
      array (
       0 =>
       array (
        'id' => 3,
        'name' => 'Linus',
        'dad' => 4,
       1 =>
       array (
        'id' => 5,
        'name' => 'Tom',
        'dad' => 4,
    $array = [
      "menu_id" => "1",
      "menu_name" => "Clients",
      "submenu_name" => "Add",
      "submenu_link" => "clients/add"
      "menu_id" => "1",
      "menu_name" => "Clients",
      "submenu_name" => "List",
      "submenu_link" => "clients"
      "menu_id" => "2",
      "menu_name" => "Products",
      "submenu_name" => "List",
      "submenu_link" => "products"
    //Grouping submenus to their menus
    $menu = array_reduce($array, function($accumulator, $item){
     $index = $item['menu_name'];
     if (!isset($accumulator[$index])) {
      $accumulator[$index] = [
       'menu_id' => $item['menu_id'],
       'menu_name' => $item['menu_name'],
       'submenu' => []  
     $accumulator[$index]['submenu'][] = [
      'submenu_name' => $item['submenu_name'],
      'submenu_link' => $item['submenu_link']
     return $accumulator;
    }, []);
    array (
     0 =>
     array (
      'menu_id' => '1',
      'menu_name' => 'Clients',
      'submenu' =>
      array (
       0 =>
       array (
        'submenu_name' => 'Add',
        'submenu_link' => 'clients/add',
       1 =>
       array (
        'submenu_name' => 'List',
        'submenu_link' => 'clients',
     1 =>
     array (
      'menu_id' => '2',
      'menu_name' => 'Products',
      'submenu' =>
      array (
       0 =>
       array (
        'submenu_name' => 'List',
        'submenu_link' => 'products',
    You can effectively ignore the fact $result is passed into the callback by reference. Only the return value of the callback is accounted for.
    $arr = [1,2,3,4];
      function(&$res, $a) { $res += $a; }, 
    # NULL
    $arr = [1,2,3,4];
      function($res, $a) { return $res + $a; }, 
    # int(10)
    Be warned, though, that you *can* accidentally change $res if it's not a simple scalar value, so despite the examples I'd recommend not writing to it at all.
    You can reduce a two-dimensional array into one-dimensional using array_reduce and array_merge. (PHP>=5.3.0)
    $two_dimensional = array();
    $two_dimensional['foo'] = array(1, 2, 3);
    $two_dimensional['bar'] = array(4, 5, 6);
    $one_dimensional = array_reduce($two_dimensional, 'array_merge', array());
    # becomes array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    The above code works better this way.
    function reduceToTable($html, $p) {
      $html .= "<TR><TD><a href=\"$p.html\">$p</a></td></tr>\n";
      return $html;
    $list = Array("page1", "page2", "page3");
    $tab = array_reduce($list, "reduceToTable");
    echo "<table>".$tab . "</table>\n";
    If you want something elegant in your code, when dealing with reducing array, just unshift first element, and use it as initial, because if you do not do so, you will + first element with first element:
    $arr = array(
      array('min' => 1.5456, 'max' => 2.28548, 'volume' => 23.152),
      array('min' => 1.5457, 'max' => 2.28549, 'volume' => 23.152),
      array('min' => 1.5458, 'max' => 2.28550, 'volume' => 23.152),
      array('min' => 1.5459, 'max' => 2.28551, 'volume' => 23.152),
      array('min' => 1.5460, 'max' => 2.28552, 'volume' => 23.152),
    $initial = array_shift($arr);
    $t = array_reduce($arr, function($result, $item) {
      $result['min'] = min($result['min'], $item['min']);
      $result['max'] = max($result['max'], $item['max']);
      $result['volume'] += $item['volume'];
      return $result;
    }, $initial);
    If you do not provide $initial, the first value used in the iteration is NULL. This is not a problem for callback functions that treat NULL as an identity (e.g. addition), but is a problem for cases when NULL is not identity (such as boolean context).
    function andFunc($a, $b) {
     return $a && $b;
    $foo = array(true, true, true);
    var_dump(array_reduce($foo, "andFunc"));
    returns false! One would expect that it would return true because `true && true && true == true`!
    Adding diagnostic output to andFunc() shows that the first call to andFunc is with the arguments (NULL, true). This resolves to false (as `(bool) null == false`) and thereby corrupts the whole reduction.
    So in this case I have to set `$initial = true` so that the first call to andFunc() will be (true, true). Now, if I were doing, say, orFunc(), I would have to set `$initial = false`. Beware.
    Note that the "rmul" case in the example sneakily hides this defect! They use an $initial of 10 to get `10*1*2*3*4*5 = 12000`. So you would assume that without an initial, you would get `1200/10 = 120 = 1*2*3*4*5`. Nope! You get big fat zero, because `int(null)==0`, and `0*1*2*3*4*5 = 0`!
    I don't honestly see why array_reduce starts with a null argument. The first call to the callback should be with arguments ($initial[0],$initial[1]) [or whatever the first two array entries are], not (null,$initial[0]). That's what one would expect from the description.
    Incidentally this also means that under the current implementation you will incur `count($input)` number of calls to the callback, not `count($input) - 1` as you might expect.
    The single value returned by array_reduce() can be an array -- as illustrated in the following example:
    # calculate the average of an array
    function calculate_sum_and_count($sum_and_count, $item)
     list($sum, $count) = $sum_and_count;
     $sum += $item;
     $count += 1;
     return [$sum, $count];
    $a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
    $initial_sum_and_count = [0, 0];
    list($sum, $count) = array_reduce($a, "calculate_sum_and_count", $initial_sum_and_count);
    echo $sum / $count;
    Walking down related object's properties using array_reduce:
     $a=new stdClass;
     $a->b=new stdClass;
     $a->b->c="Hello World!\n";
       function($result, $item){
        return $result->$item;
    This code will reduce array deeply.
    function print_s($s) {
      return is_null($s) ? "NULL" : (is_array($s) ? "Array" : ($s ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
    function r_and_dp($a, $b) {
      echo "phase1:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
      if(is_array($a)) {
        $a = array_reduce($a, "r_and_dp");
      if(is_array($b)) {
        $b = array_reduce($b, "r_and_dp");
      echo "phase2:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
      $a = is_null($a) ? TRUE : $a;
      $b = is_null($b) ? TRUE : $b;
      echo "phase3:" . print_s($a) . "," . print_s($b) . "<br>\n";
      return $a && $b;
    $bools = array(TRUE, array(FALSE, TRUE), TRUE);
    echo print_s(array_reduce($bools, "r_and_dp")) . "<br>\n";
    // result: FALSE
    When using boolean, you have to carefully set an "initial" argument.
    function r_or_dp($a, $b) {
      if(is_array($a)) {
        $a = array_reduce($a, "r_or_dp");
      if(is_array($b)) {
        $b = array_reduce($b, "r_or_dp");
      return (is_null($a) ? FALSE : $a) || (is_null($b) ? FALSE : $b);
    The code posted below by bishop to count the characters of an array is simply... erm... well useless to me...
    strlen(implode("",$array)); //6
    works; and is much smaller. Probably much faster too.
    Array reduce offers a way to transform data. 
    Please look at the array below. The array has 4 nested array's.
    The nested array's have the same keys. Only the value is different. 
    This code transforms the whole array. See below. 
    $array = array( 
      0 => array('id' => '100', 'name' => 'Henk', 'age' => '30'),  
      1 => array('id' => '101', 'name' => 'Piet', 'age' => '33'),  
      2 => array('id' => '102', 'name' => 'Wim', 'age' => '43'),  
      3 => array('id' => '103', 'name' => 'Jaap', 'age' => '53'), 
    $arr = array_reduce($array, function($carry, $item){ 
      $arr = array( 
        'id' => $item['id'], 
        'value' => $item['name'], 
      $id = $item['id']; 
      $carry[$id] = $arr; 
      return $carry; 
    }, array()); 
    // OUTPUT
    array (size=4) 
    100 => array (size=2)     
      'id' => string '100' (length=3)     
      'value' => string 'Henk' (length=4) 
    101 => array (size=2)     
      'id' => string '101' (length=3)     
      'value' => string 'Piet' (length=4) 
    102 => array (size=2)     
      'id' => string '102' (length=3)     
      'value' => string 'Wim' (length=3) 
    103 => array (size=2)     
      'id' => string '103' (length=3)     
      'value' => string 'Jaap' (length=4)
    The first parameter $array can be also be functions, which produces very interesting and powerful result, which can be used to make an union of middlewares.
    $f1 = function($x, $f){
      echo 'middleware 1 begin.'.PHP_EOL;
      $x += 1;
      $x = $f($x);
      echo 'middleware 1 end.'.PHP_EOL;
      return $x;  
    $f2 = function($x, $f){
      echo 'middleware 2 begin: '.PHP_EOL;
      $x += 2;
      $x = $f($x);
      echo 'middleware 2 end.'.PHP_EOL;
      return $x;
    $respond = function($x){
      echo 'Generate some response.'.PHP_EOL;
      return $x;
    $middlewares = [$f1, $f2];
    $initial = $respond;
    $foo = array_reduce($middlewares, function($stack, $item){
      return function($request) use ($stack, $item){
        return $item($request, $stack);
    }, $initial);
    $x = 1;
    echo $foo($x);
    middleware 2 begin: 
    middleware 1 begin.
    Generate some response.
    middleware 1 end.
    middleware 2 end.
    If your array has string keys, you can reduce a two-dimensional array into one-dimensional using array_reduce, array_merge and array_values. (PHP>=5.3.0)
    $two_dimensional = array();
    $two_dimensional['foo'] = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3);
    $two_dimensional['bar'] = array('a' => 4, 'b' => 5, 'c' =>6);
    $one_dimensional = array_reduce($two_dimensional, 'array_merge', array());
    $one_dimensional = array_reduce($two_dimensional, function ($one_dimensional, $value) {
      return array_merge($one_dimensional, array_values($value));
    }, array());
    # becomes array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    notice to function array_reduce()
    I suppose the function rsum in the example 1 so it is not correct, 
    $ v + = $ w;
    will output 15
    notice to function array_reduce()
    I suppose the function rsum in the example 1 so it is not correct, 
    $ v + = $ w;
    will output 15