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  • boolval()

    (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)



    boolval(mixed $var):boolean








    Example #1boolval()examples

    echo '0:        '.(boolval(0) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '42:       '.(boolval(42) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '0.0:      '.(boolval(0.0) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '4.2:      '.(boolval(4.2) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '"":       '.(boolval("") ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '"string": '.(boolval("string") ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '"0":      '.(boolval("0") ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '"1":      '.(boolval("1") ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '[1, 2]:   '.(boolval([1, 2]) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo '[]:       '.(boolval([]) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
    echo 'stdClass: '.(boolval(new stdClass) ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";


    0:        false
    42:       true
    0.0:      false
    4.2:      true
    "":       false
    "string": true
    "0":      false
    "1":      true
    [1, 2]:   true
    []:       false
    stdClass: true


    // Hack for old php versions to use boolval()
    if (!function_exists('boolval')) {
        function boolval($val) {
            return (bool) $val;
    To anyone like me who came here looking for a way to turn any value into a 0/1 that will fit into a MySQL boolean (tinyint) field:
    $tinyint = (int) filter_var($valToCheck, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
    tinyint will be 0 (zero) for values like string "false", boolean false, int 0
    tinyint will be 1 for values like string "true", boolean true, int 1
    Useful if you are accepting data that might be from a language like Javascript that sends string "false" for a boolean false.
    I believe that the double negation !! can perform the same task with the same result if your PHP is not up2date
    var_dump(!!1, !!0, !!"test", !!"");
    boolean true
    boolean false
    boolean true
    boolean false
    May the life be good to you.
    function is_true($val, $return_null=false){
      $boolval = ( is_string($val) ? filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE) : (bool) $val );
      return ( $boolval===null && !$return_null ? false : $boolval );
    // Return Values:
    is_true(new stdClass);   // true
    is_true([1,2]);       // true
    is_true([1]);        // true
    is_true([0]);        // true
    is_true(42);        // true
    is_true(-42);        // true
    is_true('true');      // true
    is_true('on')        // true
    is_true('off')       // false
    is_true('yes')       // true
    is_true('no')        // false
    is_true('ja')        // false
    is_true('nein')       // false
    is_true('1');        // true
    is_true(NULL);       // false
    is_true(0);         // false
    is_true('false');      // false
    is_true('string');     // false
    is_true('0.0');       // false
    is_true('4.2');       // false
    is_true('0');        // false
    is_true('');        // false
    is_true([]);        // false
    A misspell in v2.0. 
    Hack v2.1
    if( ! function_exists('boolval'))
       * Get the boolean value of a variable
       * @param mixed The scalar value being converted to a boolean.
       * @return boolean The boolean value of var.
      function boolval($var)
        return !! $var;