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  • php_user_filter::filter()

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Called when applying the filter


    publicphp_user_filter::filter(resource $in,resource $out,int &$consumed,bool $closing): int

    This method is called whenever data is read from or written to the attached stream (such as withfread()orfwrite()).



    $inis a resource pointing to abucket brigadewhich contains one or morebucketobjects containing data to be filtered.


    $outis a resource pointing to a secondbucket brigadeinto which your modified buckets should be placed.


    $consumed, which mustalwaysbe declared by reference, should be incremented by the length of the data which your filter reads in and alters. In most cases this means you will increment$consumedby$bucket->datalenfor each$bucket.


    If the stream is in the process of closing (and therefore this is the last pass through the filterchain),the$closingparameter will be set toTRUE.


    Thefilter()method must return one of three values upon completion.

    Return ValueMeaning
    PSFS_PASS_ONFilter processed successfully with data available in the$outbucket brigade.
    PSFS_FEED_MEFilter processed successfully, however no data was available to return. More data is required from the stream or prior filter.
    PSFS_ERR_FATAL(default)The filter experienced an unrecoverable error and cannot continue.