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  • gzgets()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Get line from file pointer


    gzgets(resource $zp[,int $length]): string

    Gets a(uncompressed)string of up to length - 1 bytes read from the given file pointer. Reading ends when length - 1 bytes have been read, on a newline, or on EOF(whichever comes first).



    The gz-file pointer. It must be valid, and must point to a file successfully opened by gzopen().


    The length of data to get.


    The uncompressed string, or FALSE on error.


    gzgets() example

    $handle = gzopen('somefile.gz', 'r');
    while (!gzeof($handle)) {
       $buffer = gzgets($handle, 4096);
       echo $buffer;


    // this is simple code by VIJAY to unzip .gz file
    $file = "/absolute/path/to/your/file" ;
    $fp = fopen("$file", "w") ;
    // file to be unzipped on your server
    $filename = "filename.gz" ;
    $zp = gzopen($filename, "r");
    if ($zp)
     while (!gzeof($zp))
      $buff1 = gzgets ($zp, 4096) ;
      fputs($fp, $buff1) ;
    gzclose($zp) ;
    fclose($fp) ;
    PS when it encounters and breaks on a newline byte ("\n"), the newline byte itself is not included in the returned string.
    For the above example by VIJAY, using gzgetc would be better, as I've encountered binary/text file incompatibilities (at least with PHP 4.0.4).

