(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
Inflate a deflated string
gzinflate(string $data[,int $length= 0]): string
This function inflates a deflated string.
- $data
The data compressed by gzdeflate().
- $length
The maximum length of data to decode.
The original uncompressed data or FALSE
on error.
The function will return an error if the uncompressed data is more than 32768 times the length of the compressed input$dataor more than the optional parameter$length.
gzinflate() example
<?php $compressed = gzdeflate('Compress me', 9); $uncompressed = gzinflate($compressed); echo $uncompressed; ?>
Deflate a stringgzcompress()
Compress a stringgzuncompress()
Uncompress a compressed stringgzencode()
Create a gzip compressed string
To decode / uncompress the received HTTP POST data in PHP code, request data coming from Java / Android application via HTTP POST GZIP / DEFLATE compressed format 1) Data sent from Java Android app to PHP using DeflaterOutputStream java class and received in PHP as shown below echo gzinflate( substr($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,2,-4) ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; 2) Data sent from Java Android app to PHP using GZIPOutputStream java class and received in PHP code as shown below echo gzinflate( substr($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,10,-8) ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; From Java Android side (API level 10+), data being sent in DEFLATE compressed format String body = "Lorem ipsum shizzle ma nizle"; URL url = new URL("http://www.url.com/postthisdata.php"); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-encoding", "deflate"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream()); dos.write(body.getBytes()); dos.flush(); dos.close(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( conn.getInputStream())); String decodedString = ""; while ((decodedString = in.readLine()) != null) { Log.e("dump",decodedString); } in.close(); On PHP side (v 5.3.1), code for decompressing this DEFLATE data will be echo substr($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,2,-4); From Java Android side (API level 10+), data being sent in GZIP compressed format String body1 = "Lorem ipsum shizzle ma nizle"; URL url1 = new URL("http://www.url.com/postthisdata.php"); URLConnection conn1 = url1.openConnection(); conn1.setDoOutput(true); conn1.setRequestProperty("Content-encoding", "gzip"); conn1.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); GZIPOutputStream dos1 = new GZIPOutputStream(conn1.getOutputStream()); dos1.write(body1.getBytes()); dos1.flush(); dos1.close(); BufferedReader in1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( conn1.getInputStream())); String decodedString1 = ""; while ((decodedString1 = in1.readLine()) != null) { Log.e("dump",decodedString1); } in1.close(); On PHP side (v 5.3.1), code for decompressing this GZIP data will be echo substr($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,10,-8); Useful PHP code for printing out compressed data using all available formats. $data = "Lorem ipsum shizzle ma nizle"; echo "\n\n\n"; for($i=-1;$i<=9;$i++) echo chunk_split(strtoupper(bin2hex(gzcompress($data,$i))),2," ") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "\n\n\n"; for($i=-1;$i<=9;$i++) echo chunk_split(strtoupper(bin2hex(gzdeflate($data,$i))),2," ") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "\n\n\n"; for($i=-1;$i<=9;$i++) echo chunk_split(strtoupper(bin2hex(gzencode($data,$i,FORCE_GZIP))),2," ") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "\n\n\n"; for($i=-1;$i<=9;$i++) echo chunk_split(strtoupper(bin2hex(gzencode($data,$i,FORCE_DEFLATE))),2," ") . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "\n\n\n"; Hope this helps. Please ThumbsUp if this saved you a lot of effort and time.
You can use this to uncompress a string from Linux command line gzip by stripping the first 10 bytes: <?php $inflatedOutput = gzinflate(substr($output, 10, -8)); ?>
The correct function for gzip and chunked data particularly when you get "Content-Encoding: gzip" and "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" headers: <?php function decode_gzip($h,$d,$rn="\r\n"){ if (isset($h['Transfer-Encoding'])){ $lrn = strlen($rn); $str = ''; $ofs=0; do{ $p = strpos($d,$rn,$ofs); $len = hexdec(substr($d,$ofs,$p-$ofs)); $str .= substr($d,$p+$lrn,$len); $ofs = $p+$lrn*2+$len; }while ($d[$ofs]!=='0'); $d=$str; } if (isset($h['Content-Encoding'])) $d = gzinflate(substr($d,10)); return $d; } ?> Enjoy!
When retrieving mod_gzip'ed content and using gzinflate() to decode the data, be sure to strip the first 10 chars from the retrieved content. <?php $dec = gzinflate(substr($enc,10)); ?>
Take care when using the optional second parameter $length! In our tests -at least in certain situations- we were unable to determine the actual use of this parameter, plus, it lead to the script either being unable to inflate compressed data or crash due to memory-problems. Example: When trying to inflate the compressed data from a website, we were literally unable to find a value (other than 0) for $length in order to make gzinflate work... while without the second parameter (or setting it to 0) gzinflate worked like a charm: <?php // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test 1 works without problems. Memory peak usage: Before inflating: 24.787 kB; after: 24.844 kB. gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10) ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ALL three of the following tests failed with a warning. Memory peak usage: Before inflating: 24.787 kB; after: 298.262 kB. gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10), 200 * strlen($deflated_body) ); gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10), 32768 * strlen($deflated_body) ); gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10), 11000 ); gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10), 280000000 ); // the PHP memory limit was set to 300MB (memory_limit=300M) => Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]: insufficient memory in [...] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // The last test failed with a fatal error. Memory peak usage: Before inflating: 24.787 kB; after: ? (> 300M). gzinflate( substr($deflated_body, 10), 300000000 ); // the PHP memory limit was set to 300MB (memory_limit=300M) => Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 314572800 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 300000000 bytes) in ?> In short: We were unable to determine the actual use of the second parameter in certain situations. Be careful with using the second parameter $length!
alternative, with detection for optional filename header <?php function gzdecode($data) { // check if filename field is set in FLG, is 4th byte $hex = bin2hex($data); $flg = (int)hexdec(substr($hex, 6, 2)); // remove headers $hex = substr($hex, 20); $ret = ''; if ( ($flg & 0x8) == 8 ){ print "ello"; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2 ){ $value = substr($hex, $i, 2); if ( $value == '00' ){ $ret = substr($hex, ($i+2)); break; } } } return gzinflate(pack('H*', $ret)); } ?>
And when retrieving mod_deflate gzip'ed content and using gzinflate() to decode the data, be sure to strip the first 11 chars from the retrieved content. <?php $dec = gzinflate(substr($enc,11)); ?>
Some gz string strip header and return inflated It actualy processes some first member of the gz See rfc1952 at http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1952.html for more details and improvment as gzdecode <?php function gzBody($gzData){ if(substr($gzData,0,3)=="\x1f\x8b\x08"){ $i=10; $flg=ord(substr($gzData,3,1)); if($flg>0){ if($flg&4){ list($xlen)=unpack('v',substr($gzData,$i,2)); $i=$i+2+$xlen; } if($flg&8) $i=strpos($gzData,"\0",$i)+1; if($flg&16) $i=strpos($gzData,"\0",$i)+1; if($flg&2) $i=$i+2; } return gzinflate(substr($gzData,$i,-8)); } else return false; } ?>
The code below illustrates usage of the second parameter, in particular to protect against fatal out-of-memory errors. It outputs: 1000000 1000000 error Tested with PHP 5.3 on 32bit Linux. <?php function tryToGzinflate($deflatedData, $maxLen = 0) { $data = gzinflate($deflatedData, $maxLen); if ($data === false) echo 'error<br>'; else echo strlen($data).'<br>'; } // random data: $data = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) $data .= chr(mt_rand(97, 122)); // a-z $deflatedData = gzdeflate($data); ini_set('memory_limit', '5M'); // plenty of memory tryToGzinflate($deflatedData); tryToGzinflate($deflatedData, strlen($data)); ini_set('memory_limit', '100'); // little memory tryToGzinflate($deflatedData, 100); tryToGzinflate($deflatedData); // causes fatal out-of-memory error ?>
This can be used to inflate streams compressed by the Java class java.util.zip.Deflater but you must strip the first 2 bytes off it. ( much like the above comment ) <?php $result = gzinflate(substr($compressedData, 2)); ?>