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  • imap_getmailboxes()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one


    imap_getmailboxes(resource $imap_stream,string $ref,string $pattern): array

    Gets information on the mailboxes.



    由imap_open()返回的 IMAP 流。


    $refshould normally be just the server specification as described in imap_open()


    Passing untrusted data to this parameter isinsecure, unlessimap.enable_insecure_rsh is disabled.





    Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes$name, specifying the full name of the mailbox;$delimiter, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and$attributes.$Attributesis a bitmask that can be tested against:

    • LATT_NOINFERIORS- This mailbox not contains, and may not contain any "children"(there are no mailboxes below this one). Calling imap_createmailbox() will not work on this mailbox.

    • LATT_NOSELECT- This is only a container, not a mailbox - you cannot open it.

    • LATT_MARKED- This mailbox is marked. This means that it may contain new messages since the last time it was checked. Not provided by all IMAP servers.

    • LATT_UNMARKED- This mailbox is not marked, does not contain new messages. If either MARKED or UNMARKED is provided, you can assume the IMAP server supports this feature for this mailbox.

    • LATT_REFERRAL- This container has a referral to a remote mailbox.

    • LATT_HASCHILDREN- This mailbox has selectable inferiors.

    • LATT_HASNOCHILDREN- This mailbox has no selectable inferiors.


    Example #1 imap_getmailboxes() example

    $mbox = imap_open("{imap.example.org}", "username", "password", OP_HALFOPEN)
          or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error());
    $list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox, "{imap.example.org}", "*");
    if (is_array($list)) {
        foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
            echo "($key) ";
            echo imap_utf7_decode($val->name) . ",";
            echo "'" . $val->delimiter . "',";
            echo $val->attributes . "<br />\n";
    } else {
        echo "imap_getmailboxes failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n";


    i am currently develop a simple IMAP client, when i call imap_getmailboxes() i receive a different values in attributes property of the mailbox object the problem is how can i manipulate these attributes to get a meaningful value,
    if you make a hard search to find a solution for this, you will
    not find any useful documents for this problem, let us take a closer look for this problem.
    when i call imap_getmailboxes() against different IMAP servers i got these attribute values
    [attributes] => 9
    [attributes] => 1
    [attributes] => 64
    [attributes] => 32
    [attributes] => 40 
    the documentation tell us that we check this attributes against four constants, these contents are
    the value of these constants are 
    you can got this result by echo each constant, unfortunately the documentation not explain how we can check the attributes against the constants, after a long time of searching i find the answer in source code of c-client 
    (you can get the source from ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/)
    under \src\c-client you will find mail.h open it and you will find this
                    /* terminal node in hierarchy */
    #define LATT_NOINFERIORS (long) 0x1
            /* name can not be selected */
    #define LATT_NOSELECT (long) 0x2
            /* changed since last accessed */
    #define LATT_MARKED (long) 0x4
            /* accessed since last changed */
    #define LATT_UNMARKED (long) 0x8
            /* name has referral to remote mailbox */
    #define LATT_REFERRAL (long) 0x10
            /* has selectable inferiors */
    #define LATT_HASCHILDREN (long) 0x20
            /* has no selectable inferiors */
    #define LATT_HASNOCHILDREN (long) 0x40
    as you notice here these are our four constants and three additional constants 
    then what is the value of these 3 attributes 
    LATT_REFERRAL 0x10 = 00010000 in binary, the bitmask value is 2^4 = 16 and so on, or simply echo this constant to get the value, then
    finally the full list of constants will be
    ok let's back to our attributes 
    [attributes] => 9
    [attributes] => 1
    [attributes] => 64
    [attributes] => 32
    [attributes] => 40 
    [attributes] => 9 this mean it's LATT_UNMARKED and LATT_NOINFERIORS 1+8 =9
    [attributes] => 1 this mean LATT_NOINFERIORS
    [attributes] => 64 this mean LATT_HASNOCHILDREN
    [attributes] => 32 this mean LATT_HASCHILDREN 
    [attributes] => 40 this mean LATT_HASCHILDREN and LATT_UNMARKED 32+8=40
    this just like linux file permission 7 mean read, write, and execute 4+2+1 read=4 write=2 execute=1
    that is what i found, i hope this can help 
    Mohamed Abbas
    Nileweb Egypt
    The list of mailbox attributes in this document is very misleading. In particular the explanation of noinferiors is just wrong. It does not mean that the mailbox currently has no children, it means that it *cannot* have children ever. Also, it is untrue that marked and unmarked are only used by UW-IMAP. They are in the official IMAP specification and are used by at least Courier-imap as well.
    One thing to watch out for, however, is broken IMAP servers which do send \Noinferiors when they mean that there are currently no children.
    From the IMAP4rev1 specs (RFC 2060):
         It is not possible for any child levels of hierarchy to exist
         under this name; no child levels exist now and none can be
         created in the future.
         It is not possible to use this name as a selectable mailbox.
         The mailbox has been marked "interesting" by the server; the
         mailbox probably contains messages that have been added since
         the last time the mailbox was selected.
         The mailbox does not contain any additional messages since the
         last time the mailbox was selected.
    In case you print_r() or var_dump() the object and see an int for attribute, these are the constant integers for the bitmask.
    i was looking for a function to test the attributes.
    and it was hard to find an answer or code.
    Maybe there is a function availeble, but i couldn't find it.
    the first function: returns all mailboxes in on the server
    The second function: returns a bitstring from the attr_number returned by getmailboxes()
    The tirth function: returns an array with the active attributes on the specific mailbox
    Last Line: is a combination of the functions: the output is, any map witch can hold no mail but only sub boxes...
    function getFolders($mailbox, $serverString) {
      $list = imap_getmailboxes($mailbox, $serverString, "*");
      if (is_array($list)) {
        foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
          $mapname = str_replace($serverString, "", imap_utf7_decode($val->name));
          if ($mapname[0] != ".") {
            $list_folders[$key]['name'] = $mapname;
            $list_folders[$key]['delimiter'] = $val->delimiter;
            $list_folders[$key]['attributes'] = $val->attributes;
      } else {
        echo "imap_getmailboxes failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n";
      return $list_folders;
    function IntToBin($number) {
      $BitWaarde = 1;
      $IntNum = $number;
      $BinString = "";
      if ($IntNum > 0) {
        // bepaal de max bitwaarde aan de hand van $IntNum
        while ($IntNum > $BitWaarde) {
          $BitWaarde = $BitWaarde * 2;
        // maken van een binaire string.
        while ($BitWaarde >= 1 ) {
          if ($IntNum < $BitWaarde) {
            if ($BinString != "") $BinString .= "0";
          } else {
            $BinString .= "1";
            $IntNum = $IntNum-$BitWaarde;
          $BitWaarde = $BitWaarde / 2;
      return $BinString;
    function Attributes($BinString) {
      $BinInt = (int)$BinString;
      if ($BinInt >=1000){
        $setAttribute['LATT_UNMARKED'] = true;
        $BinInt = $BinInt-1000;
      } else $setAttribute['LATT_UNMARKED'] = false;
      if ($BinInt >=100){
        $setAttribute['LATT_MARKED'] = true;
        $BinInt = $BinInt-100;
      } else $setAttribute['LATT_MARKED'] = false;
      if ($BinInt >=10){
        $setAttribute['LATT_NOSELECT'] = true;
        $BinInt = $BinInt-10;
      } else $setAttribute['LATT_NOSELECT'] = false;
      if ($BinInt >=1){
        $setAttribute['LATT_NOINFERIORS'] = true;
        $BinInt = $BinInt-1;
      } else $setAttribute['LATT_NOINFERIORS'] = false;
      return $setAttribute;
    foreach (getFolders($mailbox, $config['Server_string']) as $key => $val) {
                $Attr = Attributes(IntToBin((int)$val['attributes']));
                if (!$Attr['LATT_NOINFERIORS']) {
                  echo "<option value='".$val['name']."'>".$val['name']."</option>";
    For the purposes of passing along the attributes as a json array, I wanted to pass the attributes as an indexed array to save on bandwidth and session storage. The human readable translation is then performed in javascript by relating each key to the proper attribute label. I also wanted a cleaner way of converting the attributes without calling another function or using a complex iteration. This puts each binary attribute into it's own array element for easy testing. 
    $mailboxes = imap_getmailboxes($mailbox, $username, $password);
    foreach($mailboxes as $key=>$mailbox){
      $attrs = preg_split('//',str_pad(decbin($mailbox->attributes),7,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT),8); // convert decimal to an array of attributes
      array_shift($attrs); // Remove the extra element at the front of the array in position 0
    With temporary variables, the conversion would look like this.
    $attr_binary = decbin($mailbox->attributes); // convert decimal to binary
    $attr_binary = str_pad($attr_binary,7,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); // pad with 0's on the left
    $attrs = $preg_split('//',$attr_binary,8); // split into an array after each character
    array_shift($attrs); // Remove the extra element at the front of the array in position 0
    By defining the attributes as a map to the array index, you can test as follows.
    define("ATTR_NOSELECT "5);
    define("ATTR_MARKED ",4);
    define("ATTR_UNMARKED ",3);
    define("ATTR_REFERRAL ",2);
    define("ATTR_HASCHILDREN ",1);
    define("ATTR_HASNOCHILDREN ",0);
    if ($attrs[ATTR_HASCHILDREN]){
     // do something