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  • imap_utf7_decode()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string


    imap_utf7_decode(string $text): string

    Decodes modified UTF-7$textinto ISO-8859-1 string.

    This function is needed to decode mailbox names that contain certain characters which are not in range of printable ASCII characters.



    A modified UTF-7 encoding string, as defined in » RFC 2060, section 5.1.3(original UTF-7 was defined in » RFC1642).


    Returns a string that is encoded in ISO-8859-1 and consists of the same sequence of characters in$text, or FALSE if$textcontains invalid modified UTF-7 sequence or$textcontains a character that is not part of ISO-8859-1 character set.


    For Chinese charset, we can use: 
    mb_convert_encoding($mailbox, "UTF7-IMAP", "GB2312"); 
    when you want to create a mailbox in Chinese. 
    mb_convert_encoding($mailbox, "GB2312", "UTF7-IMAP");
    when you want to show the listed mailbox with the right charset.
    For "Outlook-style" UTF-7, you can also use:
    mb_convert_encoding( $str, "ISO_8859-1", "UTF7-IMAP" ); # for decoding
    mb_convert_encoding( $str, "UTF7-IMAP", "ISO_8859-1" ); # for encoding
    I can't find method for converting imap utf7 into utf8.
    So I have to write several lines of code to solve this issue. May be this could be usefull. Here is no error handling but it could be added.
    $imap_utf7 = '[Gmail]/&BBIEMAQ2BD0EPgQ1-';
    $utf8 = ImapUtf7::decode($imap_utf7);
    $imap_utf7_2 = ImapUtf7::encode($utf8);
    class ImapUtf7 {
      static $imap_base64 =
      static private function encode_b64imap($s) {  
        $a=0; $al=0; $res=''; $n=strlen($s);
        for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
          $a=($a<<8)|ord($s[$i]); $al+=8;
          for(;$al>=6;$al-=6) $res.=self::$imap_base64[($a>>($al-6))&0x3F];
        if ($al>0) { $res.=self::$imap_base64[($a<<(6-$al))&0x3F]; }
        return $res;
      static private function encode_utf8_char($w) {
        if ($w&0x80000000) return '';
        if ($w&0xFC000000) $n=5; else
        if ($w&0xFFE00000) $n=4; else
        if ($w&0xFFFF0000) $n=3; else
        if ($w&0xFFFFF800) $n=2; else
        if ($w&0xFFFFFF80) $n=1; else return chr($w);
        $res=chr(( (255<<(7-$n)) | ($w>>($n*6)) )&255); 
        while(--$n>=0) $res.=chr((($w>>($n*6))&0x3F)|0x80);
        return $res;
      static private function decode_b64imap($s) {
        $a=0; $al=0; $res=''; $n=strlen($s);
        for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
          $k=strpos(self::$imap_base64,$s[$i]); if ($k===FALSE) continue;
          $a=($a<<6)|$k; $al+=6;
          if ($al>=8) { $res.=chr(($a>>($al-8))&255);$al-=8; }
        $r2=''; $n=strlen($res);
        for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) {
          $c=ord($res[$i]); $i++;
          if ($i<$n) $c=($c<<8) | ord($res[$i]);
        return $r2;
      static function encode($s) {
        for($i=0;$i<$n;) {
          if (($x&0x80)==0x00) { $r=$x;$w=0; } 
          else if (($x&0xE0)==0xC0) { $w=1; $r=$x &0x1F; } 
          else if (($x&0xF0)==0xE0) { $w=2; $r=$x &0x0F; } 
          else if (($x&0xF8)==0xF0) { $w=3; $r=$x &0x07; } 
          else if (($x&0xFC)==0xF8) { $w=4; $r=$x &0x03; } 
          else if (($x&0xFE)==0xFC) { $w=5; $r=$x &0x01; } 
          else if (($x&0xC0)==0x80) { $w=0; $r=-1; $err++; } 
          else { $w=0;$r=-2;$err++; }
          for($k=0;$k<$w && $i<$n; $k++) {
            $x=ord($s[$i++]); if ($x&0xE0!=0x80) { $err++; }
          if ($r<0x20 || $r>0x7E ) {
            $buf.=chr(($r>>8)&0xFF); $buf.=chr($r&0xFF);
          } else {
            if (strlen($buf)) { 
            if ($r==0x26) { $res.='&-'; } else $res.=chr($r);
        if (strlen($buf)) $res.='&'.self::encode_b64imap($buf).'-';
        return $res;
      static function decode($s) {
        $res=''; $n=strlen($s); $h=0;
        while($h<$n) {
          $t=strpos($s,'&',$h); if ($t===false) $t=$n;
          $res.=substr($s,$h,$t-$h); $h=$t+1; if ($h>=$n) break;
          $t=strpos($s,'-',$h); if ($t===false) $t=$n;
          if ($k==0) $res.='&'; 
          else $res.=self::decode_b64imap(substr($s,$h,$k));
        return $res;
    imap_utf7_decode decodes 'modified'.
    For decoding Outlook UTF-7 - texts I use --enable-recode and $latin1string=recode_string("UTF-7..ISO_8859-1",$utf7string);
    Don't use recode-3.5c.*rpm from Contrib.
    recode_string seems to be buggy.