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  • ldap_exop_passwd()

    (PHP 7 >= 7.2.0)

    PASSWD extended operation helper


    ldap_exop_passwd(resource $link[,string $user= ""[,string $oldpw= ""[,string $newpw= ""[,array &$serverctrls]]]]): mixed

    Performs a PASSWD extended operation.



    An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().


    dn of the user to change the password of.


    The old password of this user. May be ommited depending of server configuration.


    The new password for this user. May be omitted or empty to have a generated password.


    If provided, a password policy request control is send with the request and this is filled with an array of LDAP Controls returned with the request.


    Returns the generated password if$newpwis empty or omitted. Otherwise returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


    7.3 Support for$serverctrlsadded


    Example #1 PASSWD extended operation

    $ds = ldap_connect("localhost");  // assuming the LDAP server is on this host
    if ($ds) {
        // bind with appropriate dn to give update access
        $bind = ldap_bind($ds, "cn=root, o=My Company, c=US", "secret");
        if (!$bind) {
          echo "Unable to bind to LDAP server";
        // use PASSWD EXOP to change the user password for a generated one
        $genpw = ldap_exop_passwd($ds, "cn=root, o=My Company, c=US", "secret");
        if ($genpw) {
          // use the generated password to bind
          $bind = ldap_bind($ds, "cn=root, o=My Company, c=US", $genpw);
        // set the password back to "secret"
        ldap_exop_passwd($ds, "cn=root, o=My Company, c=US", $genpw, "secret");
    } else {
        echo "Unable to connect to LDAP server";


    Schnaberhagi summberliö rumbasuuna gumpperlimuss!