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  • imagecreate()

    (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



    imagecreate (int $x_size,int $y_size) : resource

    imagecreate() 返回一个图像标识符,代表了一幅大小为$x_size$y_size的空白图像。

    推荐使用 imagecreatetruecolor()。

    新建一个新的 GD 图像流并输出图像

    header("Content-type: image/png");
    $im = @imagecreate(100, 50)
        or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
    $background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
    $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
    imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5,  "A Simple Text String", $text_color);

    参见 imagedestroy() 和 imagecreatetruecolor()。

    to create an image from a BMP file, I made this function, that return a resource like the others ImageCreateFrom function:
    /* Fonction: ImageCreateFromBMP       */
    /* Author:  DHKold             */
    /* Contact: admin@dhkold.com        */
    /* Date:   The 15th of June 2005      */
    /* Version: 2.0B              */
    function ImageCreateFromBMP($filename)
     //Ouverture du fichier en mode binaire
      if (! $f1 = fopen($filename,"rb")) return FALSE;
     //1 : Chargement des enttes FICHIER
      $FILE = unpack("vfile_type/Vfile_size/Vreserved/Vbitmap_offset", fread($f1,14));
      if ($FILE['file_type'] != 19778) return FALSE;
     //2 : Chargement des enttes BMP
      $BMP = unpack('Vheader_size/Vwidth/Vheight/vplanes/vbits_per_pixel'.
             '/Vvert_resolution/Vcolors_used/Vcolors_important', fread($f1,40));
      $BMP['colors'] = pow(2,$BMP['bits_per_pixel']);
      if ($BMP['size_bitmap'] == 0) $BMP['size_bitmap'] = $FILE['file_size'] - $FILE['bitmap_offset'];
      $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'] = $BMP['bits_per_pixel']/8;
      $BMP['bytes_per_pixel2'] = ceil($BMP['bytes_per_pixel']);
      $BMP['decal'] = ($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
      $BMP['decal'] -= floor($BMP['width']*$BMP['bytes_per_pixel']/4);
      $BMP['decal'] = 4-(4*$BMP['decal']);
      if ($BMP['decal'] == 4) $BMP['decal'] = 0;
     //3 : Chargement des couleurs de la palette
      $PALETTE = array();
      if ($BMP['colors'] < 16777216)
      $PALETTE = unpack('V'.$BMP['colors'], fread($f1,$BMP['colors']*4));
     //4 : Cration de l'image
      $IMG = fread($f1,$BMP['size_bitmap']);
      $VIDE = chr(0);
      $res = imagecreatetruecolor($BMP['width'],$BMP['height']);
      $P = 0;
      $Y = $BMP['height']-1;
      while ($Y >= 0)
      while ($X < $BMP['width'])
       if ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 24)
        $COLOR = unpack("V",substr($IMG,$P,3).$VIDE);
       elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 16)
        $COLOR = unpack("n",substr($IMG,$P,2));
        $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
       elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 8)
        $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,$P,1));
        $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
       elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 4)
        $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
        if (($P*2)%2 == 0) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] >> 4) ; else $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x0F);
        $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
       elseif ($BMP['bits_per_pixel'] == 1)
        $COLOR = unpack("n",$VIDE.substr($IMG,floor($P),1));
        if   (($P*8)%8 == 0) $COLOR[1] = $COLOR[1]    >>7;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 1) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x40)>>6;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 2) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x20)>>5;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 3) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x10)>>4;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 4) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x8)>>3;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 5) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x4)>>2;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 6) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x2)>>1;
        elseif (($P*8)%8 == 7) $COLOR[1] = ($COLOR[1] & 0x1);
        $COLOR[1] = $PALETTE[$COLOR[1]+1];
        return FALSE;
       $P += $BMP['bytes_per_pixel'];
     //Fermeture du fichier
     return $res;
    doesnt ruin the image but adds display to the output.
    this will generate an image with a random color. if you like it you can use it because you have the RBG result too.
    $im = imagecreate(100, 100);
    $a = sprintf('%04x',mt_rand(0, 65535));
    $b = sprintf('%04x',mt_rand(0, 65535));
    $c = sprintf('%04x',mt_rand(0, 65535));
    $white = imagecolorallocate($im,$a,$b,$c);
    echo "\n\n\n$a-$b-$c";
    It is easy and simple example to convert Text to Image with selected font. 
    It helps me to display Bangla text as image when users have no installed bangla font.
    I hope it can help you too!
    //Kip the font file together or write proper location.
    makeImageF("Life in PHP.","CENTURY.TTF");
    function makeImageF($text, $font="CENTURY.TTF", $W=200, $H=20, $X=0, $Y=0, $fsize=18, $color=array(0x0,0x0,0x0), $bgcolor=array(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF)){
      $im = @imagecreate($W, $H)
        or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
      $background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $bgcolor[0], $bgcolor[1], $bgcolor[2]);    //RGB color background.
      $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);      //RGB color text.
      imagettftext($im, $fsize, $X, $Y, $fsize, $text_color, $font, $text);
      header("Content-type: image/gif");        
      return imagegif($im);
    I used imagecreate with gd 1.6 to make resized images of big photos. Then, when using the same script on gd 2.0, the colors got all wrong.
    Using imagecreatetruecolor() fixed the problem!
    Don't try and create an image with a really large width and/or height. First, $width x $height is (at least) the bytes of memory that need to be allocated. Secondly, if you exceed the range of int for either parameter, Apache crashes (before allocating any memory).
    Don't ask how I figured this out ;)
    To save image as a file, I had to create a directory "dir" and CHMOD 777 to give read, write, and execute permission for everyone - or it wouldn't save it...
    On windows.
    When you get undefined function image* it means the gd library isnt being used. Check the php.ini file. Make sure the php_gd.dll isnt commented out. Restarting apache should result in the image functions working.
    to compile GD support on some linux distributions you have to include these with the ./configure command :
    --with=gd=/usr --with-jpeg=/usr --with-png=/usr --with-zlib=/usr
    (i had to include this on Redhat 6.1)
    this becase the libraries are in /usr/lib instead of /lib
    It seems that imagecreate creates a grayscale image with gd2
    Dont forget to use ImageDestoy after showed image. I forgot it, my webpage had about 15 pictures what was generated by GD and webserver died very fastly (server was Dual Xeon 900MHz and 4G RAM :[[ ). It died cos of not enough memory :\
    Pay attention to a problem I encountered.
    Png images created with the PHP function seems to be very badly recognised by old browsers, especially -well, mainly - by IE 4.0 (crash of the browser).
    I think this is probably due to the fact that, when IE 4.0 was released, the png format was either very recent, either not very used, because of the widespread jpeg and gif formats...
    So, if you plan to dynamically create images for a web site to be seen by IE 4.0 users, think of it...
    May'be the jpeg format will do the job better.
    // A simple XY graph 
     <title>XY Graph</title>
    <h2>Practice XY Graph</h2>
    $left = 0;
    $top = 0;
    $x_size = 400;
    $y_size = 400;
    $char_width = 8;
    $char_height = 11;
    $x_start = $x_left + 100;
    $y_start = $top + $char_height * 1.5;
    $x_end = $x_start + $x_size;
    $y_end = $y_start + $y_size;
    $right = $x_start + $x_size + 40;
    $bottom = $y_start + $y_size + $char_height * 1.5;
    $graph_n = 100;
    for($i = 0; $i < $graph_n; $i++ )
      $graph_x[$i] = $i;
      $graph_y[$i] = $i * $i;
      $min_x = 9e99;
      $min_y = 9e99;
      $max_x = -9e99;
      $max_y = -9e99;
      $avg_y = 0.0;
      for($i = 0; $i < $graph_n; $i++ )
        if( $graph_x[$i] < $min_x )
          $min_x = $graph_x[$i];
        if( $graph_x[$i] > $max_x )
          $max_x = $graph_x[$i];
        if( $graph_y[$i] < $min_y )
          $min_y = $graph_y[$i];
        if( $graph_y[$i] > $max_y )
          $max_y = $graph_y[$i];
        $avg_y += $graph_y[$i];
      $avg_y = $avg_y / $graph_n;
      $min_x = 0;
      $min_y = 0;
      $max_x += $max_x * 0.05;
      $max_y += $max_y * 0.05;
    $image = ImageCreate($right - $left, $bottom - $top);
    $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 233, 14, 91);
    $grey = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204); 
    $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
    $red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
    imagerectangle($image, $left, $top, $right - 1, $bottom - 1, $black );
    imagerectangle($image, $x_start, $y_start, $x_end, $y_end, $grey );
    for($i = 0; $i < $graph_n; $i++ )
      $pt_x = $x_start + ($x_end-$x_start)*($graph_x[$i]-$min_x)/($max_x-$min_x);
      $pt_y = $y_end - ($y_end - $y_start)*($graph_y[$i]-$min_y)/($max_y-$min_y);
     // imagesetpixel( $image, $pt_x, $pt_y, $black );
      imagechar($image, 2, $pt_x - 3, $pt_y - 10, '.', $black);
    $string = sprintf("%2.5f", $max_y);
    imagestring($image, 4, $x_start - strlen($string) * $char_width, $y_start - $char_width, $string, $black);
    $string = sprintf("%2.5f", $min_y);
    imagestring($image, 4, $x_start - strlen($string) * $char_width, $y_end - $char_height, $string, $black);
    $string = sprintf("%2.5f", $min_x);
    imagestring($image, 4, $x_start - (strlen($string) * $char_width)/2, $y_end, $string, $black);
    $string = sprintf("%2.5f", $max_x);
    imagestring($image, 4, $x_end - (strlen($string) * $char_width) / 2, $y_end, $string, $black);
    $x_title = 'x axis';
    $y_title = 'y axis';
    imagestring($image, 4, $x_start + ($x_end - $x_start) / 2 - strlen($x_title) * $char_width / 2, $y_end, $x_title, $black);
    imagestring($image, 4, $char_width, ($y_end - $y_start) / 2, $y_title, $black);
    header('Content-type: image/png');
    $filename = sprintf("%d.png", time());
    printf("<img src='%s'> ", $filename);
    Loads a file based on its filetype and returns false if it fails.
    function imagecreatefromfile($path, $user_functions = false)
      $info = @getimagesize($path);
        return false;
      $functions = array(
        IMAGETYPE_GIF => 'imagecreatefromgif',
        IMAGETYPE_JPEG => 'imagecreatefromjpeg',
        IMAGETYPE_PNG => 'imagecreatefrompng',
        IMAGETYPE_WBMP => 'imagecreatefromwbmp',
        IMAGETYPE_XBM => 'imagecreatefromwxbm',
        $functions[IMAGETYPE_BMP] = 'imagecreatefrombmp';
        return false;
        return false;
      return $functions[$info[2]]($path);
    How I fixed my "undefined function imagecreate()" problem:
    I was having the same problem many have reported where most of PHP worked but the gd functions didn't. I'd installed the RedHat rpm php-4.0.1pl2. It said (phpinfo.php) that it had been configured with the '--with-gd=shared' option. In my /usr/lib directory, I had both libgd.so.1.8.3 and libgd.a. I decided to compile with the static library instead, so I downloaded the sources and built with all the same configuration flags except that I used --with-gd=/usr. Now my gd library works!!!
    The function ImageCreate() creates a PALETTE image.
    The function ImageCreateFromJPEG() creates a TRUE COLOR image.
    When you use GD 2.0 you will get an error when you try to use ImageCopy()
    with one True color image and one Palette image.
    Be sure to convert one of the images before using ImageCopy() or use ImageCreateTrueColor() instead of ImageCreate().
    You can set it up so you can write a text which is controled from the URL.
    Like this...
    header("Content-type: image/png");
    $im = @imagecreate(128, 16) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
    $bc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 255, 255);
    $tc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
    imagestring($im, 1, 4, 4, $t, $tc);
    Then when you use the image, use this...
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/stuff/cool_image.php?t=Text">
    This will create an image with a cyan background, and in black text it will say "Text"
    EMail me at foxlovr1@cox.net or aquafox90@yahoo.com for comments/questions.
    Based on DHKold's contribution I realized imagecreatefrombmp() to support all 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24- und 32-Bit Bitmaps. Finally Fabien Ménager brought it to perfection for the project DOMPDF. Feel free to use it:
    to install on UBUNTU do the following..
    sudo apt-get install php5-gd
    After installing the package I restarted the apache
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache reload
    goto love ubuntu...
    This is how you can create a thumbnail with maximum height and width. This way it will fit nicely in a gallery table. In this example $im is the source image
      //calculate thumb size
          $ow = imagesx($im);
          $oh = imagesy($im);
          $maxh = 100;
          $maxw = 150; 
          $new_h = $oh;
          $new_w = $ow;
          if($oh > $maxh || $ow > $maxw){
            $new_h = ($oh > $ow) ? $maxh : $oh*($maxw/$ow);
            $new_w = $new_h/$oh*$ow;
          //create dst image
          $dst_img = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_w,$new_h);
          //resize and copy image
          ImageCopyResized($dst_img, $im, 0,0,0,0, $new_w, $new_h, ImageSX($im), ImageSY($im));  
    Here's how I resolved the "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate()" error using Gentoo:
    1) add a USE flag for gdb in /etc/make.conf
      USE="3dnow avi [whatever else you have] gdb"
      Note: here's a list of all of the USE flags:
    2) unmerged mod_php 
    *Note* It could take awhile to "remerge" as it may need to compile several dependancies...do this during not production hours and have a backup if you absolutely cannot have downtime
      emerge -C mod_php
    3) emerged mod_php
      emerge -p mod_php 
      # find out if it's going to take awhile
    4) edit /etc/php/apach2-php4/php.ini
       uncomment the "extension=php_gd2.dll" line
    5) Restart apache2
      /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    Hope this helps!
    Cooper Stevenson