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  • pg_escape_bytea()

    (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

    转义 bytea 类型的二进制数据


    pg_escape_bytea(string $data): string

    pg_escape_bytea()转义 bytea 数据类型的二进制字符串,返回转义后的字符串。


    当对 bytea 类型字段进行 SELECT 操作时,PostgreSQL 返回前导 的八进制字节值(例如032)。用户需要自己将结果转换为二进制格式。

    本函数需要 PostgreSQL 7.2 或以上版本。在 PostgreSQL 7.2.0 和 7.2.1 版中,如果使用了多字节支持,bytea 类型必须被强制转换。例如INSERT INTO test_table(image)VALUES('$image_escaped'::bytea);。PostgreSQL 7.2.2 或以上版本不需要强制转换。异常情况是当客户端和后端字符编码不匹配时,可能会有多字节流错误。用户必须强制转换 bytea 以避免此错误。


    The reason pg_unescape_bytea() do not exactly reproduce the binary data created by pg_escape_bytea() is because the backslash \ and single quote ' are double escaped by the pg_escape_bytea() function. This will lead to image seems corrupted when retrieve from the bytea field. The proper way to escape&unescape a binary string into a PG bytea field as follow:
    $escaped_data = str_replace(array("\\\\", "''"), array("\\", "'"), pg_escape_bytea($data));
    /* and later unescape the escaped data from the bytea field with following to get the original binary data */
    $original_data = pg_unescape_bytea($escaped_data));
    more details at: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-php/2007-02/msg00014.php
    To prevent any problems with encoding you could use hexadecimal or base64 input to save and retrieve data to the database:
     // Connect to the database
     $dbconn = pg_connect( 'dbname=foo' );
     // Read in a binary file
     $data = file_get_contents( 'image1.jpg' );
     // Escape the binary data
     $escaped = bin2hex( $data );
     // Insert it into the database
     pg_query( "INSERT INTO gallery (name, data) VALUES ('Pine trees', decode('{$escaped}' , 'hex'))" );
     // Get the bytea data
     $res = pg_query("SELECT encode(data, 'base64') AS data FROM gallery WHERE name='Pine trees'"); 
     $raw = pg_fetch_result($res, 'data');
     // Convert to binary and send to the browser
     header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
     echo base64_decode($raw);
    PostgreSQL 9.0 introduced a new hexadecimal-based representation for bytea data that is preferred over the escaping mechanism implemented by this function.
    function pg_escape_byteahex($binary)
      return "E'\\\\x".bin2hex($binary)."'";
    to unescape_bytea use stripcslashes(). If you need to escape bytea and don't have pg_escape_bytea() function then use:
    function escByteA($binData) {
      * \134 = 92 = backslash, \000 = 00 = NULL, \047 = 39 = Single Quote
      * str_replace() replaces the searches array in order. Therefore, we must
      * process the 'backslash' character first. If we process it last, it'll
      * replace all the escaped backslashes from the other searches that came
      * before.
     $search = array(chr(92), chr(0), chr(39));
     $replace = array('\\\134', '\\\000', '\\\047');
     $binData = str_replace($search, $replace, $binData);
     return $binData;
     //echo "<pre>$binData</pre>";
    using pg_escape_bytea without 'E' escape tag
     // Die Binärdaten maskieren
     $escaped = pg_escape_bytea($data);
     // und in die Datenbank einfügen (falsch/wrong)
     pg_query("INSERT INTO gallery (name, data) VALUES ('Pine trees', E'$escaped')");
     // und in die Datenbank einfügen (richtig/right)
     pg_query("INSERT INTO gallery (name, data) VALUES ('Pine trees', '$escaped')");
    If you're getting errors about nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal, then you need to escape the encoded bytea as follows:
    $escaped = pg_escape_bytea($data);
    pg_query("INSERT INTO gallery (name, data) VALUES ('Pine trees', E'$escaped'::bytea)");
    if you need to change back bytea from the db to normal data, this will do that:
    function pg_unescape_bytea($bytea) {
    return eval("return \"".str_replace('$', '\\$', str_replace('"', '\\"', $bytea))."\";");
    // use like this
    $rs = pg_query($conn, "SELECT image from images LIMIT 1");
    $image = pg_unescape_bytea(pg_fetch_result($rs, 0, 0));