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  • PDO::pgsqlCopyToArray()

    (PHP 5 >= 5.3.3, PHP 7)

    Copy data from database table into PHP array


    publicPDO::pgsqlCopyToArray(string $table_name[,string $delimiter= 't'[,string $null_as= "N"[,string $fields]]]): array

    Copies data from$tableinto array using$delimiteras fields delimiter and$fieldslist



    String containing table name


    Delimiter used in rows


    How to interpret null values


    List of fields to export


    Returns an array of rows,或者在失败时返回FALSE.

    The "rows" returned are strings, (hence the delimiter parameters for separating fields). They're not parsed into PHP arrays, so this isn't a substitute for $connection->query('SELECT * FROM table_name')->fetchAll().
    Only the first character of $delimiter is used. Characters that may be used are those <32 except "\r", "\n" and NUL (chr(0)); anything from !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKMOPQRSTVWXYZ[]^_`{|}~, and DEL (chr(127)) (yes, upper-case letters are allowed, but lower-case ones are not).
    Also, the $fields argument is a comma-separated list of the desired columns.