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  • pg_field_type()

    (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)



    pg_field_type(resource $result,int $field_number): string

    pg_field_type()以字符串返回 PostgreSQL$result资源中指定$field_number字段的类型。字段编号从 0 开始。





    Here is an updated list of nearly every PostgreSQL data type, and PHP's internal C-type equivalent, updated for PostgreSQL 9.2. The first array maps PHP's internal data type to PostgreSQL's equivalents. The second maps PostgreSQL's data-types to PHP's equivalents.
    $php_to_pg = array(
      'bit' => array('bit'),
      'bool' => array('boolean'),
      'box' => array('box'),
      'bpchar' => array('character','char'),
      'bytea' => array('bytea'),
      'cidr' => array('cidr'),
      'circle' => array('circle'),
      'date' => array('date'),
      'daterange' => array('daterange'),
      'float4' => array('real'),
      'float8' => array('double precision'),
      'inet' => array('inet'),
      'int2' => array('smallint', 'smallserial'),
      'int4' => array('integer', 'serial'),
      'int4range' => array('int4range'),
      'int8' => array('bigint', 'bigserial'),
      'int8range' => array('int8range'),
      'interval' => array('interval'),
      'json' => array('json'),
      'lseg' => array('lseg'),
      'macaddr' => array('macaddr'),
      'money' => array('money'),
      'numeric' => array('decimal', 'numeric'),
      'numrange' => array('numrange'),
      'path' => array('path'),
      'point' => array('point'),
      'polygon' => array('polygon'),
      'text' => array('text'),
      'time' => array('time', 'time without time zone'),
      'timestamp' => array('timestamp', 'timestamp without time zone'),
      'timestamptz' => array('timestamp with time zone'),
      'timetz' => array('time with time zone'),
      'tsquery' => array('tsquery'),
      'tsrange' => array('tsrange'),
      'tsvector' => array('tsvector'),
      'uuid' => array('uuid'),
      'varbit' => array('bit varying'),
      'varchar' => array('character varying', 'varchar'),
      'xml' => array('xml'),
    $pg_to_php = array(
      'bit' => 'bit',
      'boolean' => 'bool',
      'box' => 'box',
      'character' => 'bpchar',
      'char' => 'bpchar',
      'bytea' => 'bytea',
      'cidr' => 'cidr',
      'circle' => 'circle',
      'date' => 'date',
      'daterange' => 'daterange',
      'real' => 'float4',
      'double precision' => 'float8',
      'inet' => 'inet',
      'smallint' => 'int2',
      'smallserial' => 'int2',
      'integer' => 'int4',
      'serial' => 'int4',
      'int4range' => 'int4range',
      'bigint' => 'int8',
      'bigserial' => 'int8',
      'int8range' => 'int8range',
      'interval' => 'interval',
      'json' => 'json',
      'lseg' => 'lseg',
      'macaddr' => 'macaddr',
      'money' => 'money',
      'decimal' => 'numeric',
      'numeric' => 'numeric',
      'numrange' => 'numrange',
      'path' => 'path',
      'point' => 'point',
      'polygon' => 'polygon',
      'text' => 'text',
      'time' => 'time',
      'time without time zone' => 'time',
      'timestamp' => 'timestamp',
      'timestamp without time zone' => 'timestamp',
      'timestamp with time zone' => 'timestamptz',
      'time with time zone' => 'timetz',
      'tsquery' => 'tsquery',
      'tsrange' => 'tsrange',
      'tstzrange' => 'tstzrange',
      'tsvector' => 'tsvector',
      'uuid' => 'uuid',
      'bit varying' => 'varbit',
      'character varying' => 'varchar',
      'varchar' => 'varchar',
      'xml' => 'xml'
    Also be aware that postgreSQL array fields will prefix the type name with an underscore (e.g. "_int4" or "_text"), while composite a.k.a. row-type fields will return type "record".
    Because complete documentation is always helpful, here are all the PostgreSQL general purpose types as they are listed in the 8.1 documentation, and each corresponding string returned by pg_field_type().
    bigint => int8
    bigserial => int8
    bit => bit
    bit varying => varbit
    boolean => bool
    box => box
    bytea => bytea
    character varying => varchar
    character => bpchar
    cidr => cidr
    circle => circle
    date => date
    double precision => float8
    inet => inet
    integer => int4
    interval => interval
    line => line
    lseg => lseg
    macaddr => macaddr
    money => money
    numeric => numeric
    path => path
    point => point
    polygon => polygon
    real => float4
    smallint => int2
    serial => int4
    text => text
    time => time
    time with time zone => timetz
    timestamp => timestamp
    timestamp with time zone => timestamptz
    And for the record... (note the 7.4 client lib)
    # postmaster --version
    postmaster (PostgreSQL) 8.0.4
    # ldd libphp4.so
    libpq.so.3 => /usr/lib/libpq.so.3 (0xb7ac8000)
    The types returned are:
     int2 (smallint)
     int8 (bigint)
     float4 (real / float)
     float8 (double)
     bpchar (fixed leng string, 'blank padded char')
     inet (ip address)
    There are some other more esoteric types, e.g. 'circle', but these are the most common.

