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  • substr_compare()

    (PHP 5, PHP 7)



    substr_compare(string $main_str, string $str, int $offset[,int $length[,bool $case_insensitivity= FALSE]]) : int














    如果$main_str从偏移位置$offset起的子字符串小于$str,则返回小于 0 的数;如果大于$str,则返回大于 0 的数;如果二者相等,则返回 0。如果$offset大于等于$main_str的长度或$length被设置为小于 1 的值( PHP 5.5.11 之前的版本),substr_compare()将打印出一条警告信息并且返回FALSE




    Example #1substr_compare()范例

    echo substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 2); // 0
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "de", -2, 2); // 0
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "bcg", 1, 2); // 0
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "BC", 1, 2, true); // 0
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 3); // 1
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "cd", 1, 2); // -1
    echo substr_compare("abcde", "abc", 5, 1); // warning


    • strncmp()二进制安全比较字符串开头的若干个字符
    When you came to this page, you may have been looking for something a little simpler: A function that can check if a small string exists within a larger string starting at a particular index. Using substr_compare() for this can leave your code messy, because you need to check that your string is long enough (to avoid the warning), manually specify the length of the short string, and like many of the string functions, perform an integer comparison to answer a true/false question.
    I put together a simple function to return true if $str exists within $mainStr. If $loc is specified, the $str must begin at that index. If not, the entire $mainStr will be searched.
    function contains_substr($mainStr, $str, $loc = false) {
      if ($loc === false) return (strpos($mainStr, $str) !== false);
      if (strlen($mainStr) < strlen($str)) return false;
      if (($loc + strlen($str)) > strlen($mainStr)) return false;
      return (strcmp(substr($mainStr, $loc, strlen($str)), $str) == 0);
    This function efficiently implements checks for strings beginning or ending with other strings:
    function str_begins($haystack, $needle) {
     return 0 === substr_compare($haystack, $needle, 0, strlen($needle));
    function str_ends($haystack, $needle) {
     return 0 === substr_compare($haystack, $needle, -strlen($needle));
    var_dump(str_begins('http://example.com', 'https://'));
    Note that these are not multi-byte character set aware.
    Take note of the `length` parameter: "The default value is the largest of the length of the str compared to the length of main_str less the offset."
    This is *not* the length of str as you might (I always) expect, so if you leave it out, you'll get unexpected results. Example:
    $hash = '$5$lalalalalalalala$crypt.output.here';
    var_dump(substr_compare($hash, '$5$', 0)); # int(34)
    var_dump(substr_compare($hash, '$5$', 0, 3)); # int(0)
    var_dump(PHP_VERSION); # string(6) "5.3.14"
    Modified version of the original posted function. Use this one:
    if (!function_exists('substr_compare')) {
      function substr_compare($main_str, $str, $offset, $length = NULL, $case_insensitivity = false) {
        $offset = (int) $offset;
        // Throw a warning because the offset is invalid
        if ($offset >= strlen($main_str)) {
          trigger_error('The start position cannot exceed initial string length.', E_USER_WARNING);
          return false;
        // We are comparing the first n-characters of each string, so let's use the PHP function to do it
        if ($offset == 0 && is_int($length) && $case_insensitivity === true) {
          return strncasecmp($main_str, $str, $length);
        // Get the substring that we are comparing
        if (is_int($length)) {
          $main_substr = substr($main_str, $offset, $length);
          $str_substr = substr($str, 0, $length);
        } else {
          $main_substr = substr($main_str, $offset);
          $str_substr = $str;
        // Return a case-insensitive comparison of the two strings
        if ($case_insensitivity === true) {
          return strcasecmp($main_substr, $str_substr);
        // Return a case-sensitive comparison of the two strings
        return strcmp($main_substr, $str_substr);

